Chapter 5

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She found it. The Blue Star. She had barely arrived when she had already found it. She touched it, and the star flew away and gave way to a sentence. "Πρέπει να ψάξετε για το κατάστημα του τσάρλι". You have to look for Charlie's store. She realized that the investigation was not over. Then they went to visit an ancient site called Soğanlı it was very beautiful. The best was that there was a little puppy they called Petitou. He was very cute, however, when they left they had to bring him back to the starting point but he did not want to get into the car so they had to leave him there on the side of the road. What a sad story! On the way back to the hotel, she went to the Internet, Charlie's store. The store was in a village called Avanos. At that time, Amber asked her parents:
-Mom, can we go to Avanos tomorrow?
-I would love my darling but why do you want to go there?
-There is a pottery shop called Charlie's store.
-Oh, it looks good but what is different from other shops
-There is you can see the potters working.
-Oh great, let's go tomorrow.
Amber was in heaven.

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