Chapter 1

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The whole world is turned upside down. A supernatural event has taken place. The Palace of Versailles has given way to the Château du Parc de Zelve in Cappadocia. What happened? Everyone is wondering. The visitors on site replied:
- So tell us. What did you see on October 12?
- I was walking on the site when suddenly a purple flash appeared and fell on the site. The second after the Palace of Versailles was flamboyant with its golden ornaments. explains witness number one.
- I took pictures of myself for Instagram at the Versailles castle so I put my phone on the edge, put the timer, and moved back but it had a thud so I turned around and the Palace of Versailles had changed into a stone castle that I had never seen before. describes witness number two.
The researchers are already there to explain what happened to us:
- So sir, tell us. What have you discovered since the start of your research?
- We arrived three days ago now and all we have learned is that neither of the two buildings and environment has had damage. The researcher teaches us.
- Thank you, Mr. Einstein.

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