chapter 38: did you threaten him??

Start from the beginning

"u-um no, no I don't. I left them back in mirkwood. I didn't really think that you would come to the council nor would I have thought we'd gone on this journey." He says 

"well after this is all over you better show me one of the drawings aye?" I say, nudging him with my elbow.

"aye." Legolas says while smiling.

It was getting late and we had to wake up early tomorrow for the funeral.

All the kids were already asleep and the rest of the family also went home, carrying their sleeping kids in their arms. Lily was also passed out in her room.

"Let me walk the both of you outside." Darvyn says as I tell him we're gonna be leaving now.

"it was nice spending time with you Mae. Even if it was for a few mere hours, not really enough to make up for the years I haven't seen ya." He says with a sniff.

"don't worry Darvyn, I'll visit you and Lily every night as long as I'm staying here. If I don't have any business to attend to at the time." I say and he chuckles.

"I'll even bring more of my friends besides Legolas. You'll love em." I say, making Legolas smile besides me.

"oh how I've missed you Mae." He says as he leans in to hug me.

"I missed you too kid." I softly say, grateful that even amongst this crazy journey, there's someone from home that I know and trust besides Legolas.

Me and Legolas wave him goodbye as we walk away from his homely house and back to where we were staying.

"so how long have you known Darvyn? You said you knew him ever since he was 8?" Legolas asks.

"yep, all the way till he was....what, like 39? something around that age when he decided to settle down with Lily and have kids somewhere." I say, crossing my arms.

"then that means he grew up on your ship right?" he says and I nod with a proud smile.

"mhmm me, daratrine, radelia practically raised him. He's almost like our kid. Which was why it took some time getting used to when he got off our ship." 

He hums in reply, we walked in silence for a bit more before he speaks up again.

"how did he come to your ship in the first place though?"

I chuckle at the fond memory "well it's sort of a funny story actually. So basically, we were at Carder isles. It's a bit far off the harlindon coast. At the time we were going to loot this one rich mayor's house, we had an elaborate plan and everything. It was foolproof! Absolutely guaranteed for us to successfully pull it off." I exclaim, the people around us staring at us weirdly.

I look around, lowering my voice a bit so that they won't suspect that I'm gonna go rob them later. "but of course, someone had to interrupt our plan. And that little boy was darvyn. He was homeless and lived on the streets. So when he saw us doing this exciting heist, he wanted in too. He was small and short, his body thin since he didn't eat much. So we didn't realize that everytime we discussed about our heist on our ship, he was also there listening in from outside. Hanging on the wooden boards."

"he was hanging on the boards for hours?? he must be insanely strong at the time for an 8 year old boy." Legolas says in surprise.

"exactly, he had a lot of stamina I guess. So he managed to hang on to it for a long time, and when it was finally the day of our heist, he suddenly came out of nowhere and wanted to follow us around and help us." I say, putting the help us in air quotes.

"but what he absolutely sucked at, was discretion. He was not stealthy at all and fell a lot of times and drew attention to us. Which was also what led us to our failure." I say, pointing at Legolas and taking in a deep breath before continuing again.

"and when we ran back to our ship, unbeknownst to us amidst the chaos and everything, the lanky boy also followed us on board. So when we found him on our ship we cornered him, then interrogated him. We were insanely furious you know since-" I start to ramble on before Legolas suddenly cuts me off.

"wait- did you threaten to kill the boy?" He says, his eyes wide in disbelief.

I frown, shaking my head "what? no of course not, murder was in my mind that's for sure and I was furious at him. But I was not about to hurt him in any way except leave him back on that damned island." Legolas releases a relieved breath, glad that I wasn't going to murder a child.

"so me and my crew struck a deal with him, if he promises to help us around the ship and doesn't become a nuisance for the next few months that we'll be sailing, before we find a nice place to dump him off somewhere, then he will be spared." I say before pausing, kicking the pebbles at my feet.

"then I guess we grew attached and raised him as our own." I shrug at Legolas.

"you know Ral, you always said that you didn't want your own children. But it seems to me that you'd a great mother, based on how Darvyn turned out." Legolas says and I run my fingers through my hair.

"I mean, it's not that bad actually. Sure they can be a brat sometimes but..." I pause, turning to Legolas. Recalling how he interacted with darvyn's grandchildren "....if I raise them with the right person, then maybe I will have some one day." I say with a small smile.

He gives me a small smile, but it doesn't quite reaches his eyes. You could almost say that it looked somber. Sad, somehow. Like he's doubting himself.

After that we just walked in silence, admiring the people ushering about at night, seeing the people sing songs in the taverns out of happiness that their king is back to normal. The kids out and playing about even if its night, the ladies at the small vendor's offering flowers to the both of us, mistaking us for a couple. Again.

After a while, we finally reach the halls of Rohan again. And at that, we go to our separate ways, me to my room and legolas to his.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" I say to Legolas, he nods then leans in forward and takes off my hat, kissing my forehead.

"good night Maeral." he says softly, handing me my hat and vanishing into the lowly lit corridor.

".....good night Legolas." I whisper, my eyes still to where he stood. Remembering his hands on the back of my head, his soft lips touching my forehead.

A/n: the angst and the pining is now going to start to commence *evil cackle* anyways yall we have only one more week left to our school year and idk if im prepared to get older yet. Lorde was so real for writing ribs honestly. OH ALSO i found some tolkien books on my book haul but it was so dang expensive and they didn't have fellowship of the ring so I didn't buy it 💔💔

but its fine gays cause I'm gonna go buy more books next week for my dads birthday so lets hope its more cheaper there. Also I just want yall to know if there's more ways that I can improve my writing just tell me cause I'm in my self doubt era rn and it's terrifying to me if my writing is cringey or sum shit so yeah feel free to give me advice yall :)) just promise to be nice about it lmao

anyways hope you guys liked this chapter and voted for it if you thought it was good!!

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