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<<story time>>

A little after I was born, I started traveling.
Not without reason of course, you see my father is a part of the speed wagon foundation, working under the "Sea Life research" category as a marine biologist. In fact he is quite high among the superiors working with the infamous Jotaro Cujo.

So as some could have guessed, my father got to travel all around the world to study sea creatures far and wide, and of course my father being the kind man he is, would never leave on a trip for more than 4 days without his family, so naturally, I got to tag along his trips!

We went to Japan when I was around 6 and I really liked it there! I learned quite a bit of the language along with both my parents. I loved it there, of course it has its downsides but it was a great experience!

Though, without a doubt, bouncing in and out of school would be much too great of an inconvenience so I've been homeschooled most of my life. That is until my mother got a bit sick when I was 12, we decided to get back to our hometown and settle in till she got better, which took around 6 months. I was enrolled in school.

I also forgot to mention the fact that my hometown was incredibly dangerous and violent. Students don't know how to behave at schools,
And walking anywhere at anytime of the day or night was extremely dangerous, no matter
How many people you are with.

But it was sort of homey, I think? We decided to keep living there to make sure mom was perfectly fine, thanks to dads worrying.

But that all changed a while after my mom got better from the small but dangerous illness, we were going back to japan! As much as I sort of enjoy the homey feeling of being in the place I was born at, I miss traveling and I miss japan. I am now 16 years old, I hope my trip there won't be boring, I'd rather experience something, no, a bizarre adventure!"

"Japan, I hope you didn't miss me to much"

(ALLLLLRIGHT backstory over, next chapter you'll be ready to head off with the fam stuff, don't worry Josuke is in the story just be patient for me please 🧎🏾‍♀️🙏🏾, bye bye!)

(ALLLLLRIGHT backstory over, next chapter you'll be ready to head off with the fam stuff, don't worry Josuke is in the story just be patient for me please 🧎🏾‍♀️🙏🏾, bye bye!)

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