Chapter 5: A Tour Where Nothing Goes Wrong

Start from the beginning

"Oh.. Yeah.. Well, we got the barracks, I can take you there and go from that, I guess,"

"Sounds good,"


The hallways were long and quiet, the echoes of their footsteps were roars in the quietness.

The idea that he was going to be here forever was finally sinking in, similar to the silence. His words would have an effect on his coworkers, on how they viewed him- forever. He didn't want to be seen in a negative light, so it was better to be safe than sorry. He remained quiet, he couldn't say anything bad if he didn't say anything at all.

Mortar on the other hand was suffering from the other towers' sudden spell of silence. Did Medic make him feel bad? Did HE make him feel bad? He looked over to the slouching Sledger,

"You okay, dude?"

Sledger was taken out of his own paranoid thoughts by the sound the Mortars voice,

"Uhm, yeah- I'm good.."

"You've been quiet for a bit, nothing much to talk about, huh? Well, we're almost to the barracks, I'm sure we'll find something to talk about there," The Mortar reassured with a comforting smile, a smile that failed due to how forced it was. The Sledger squinted under his gear,

"Uh.. Yeah.."

The Mortar looked up,

"See-?" He grabbed the Sledger's shoulder, "-Almost there!" He pointed to a small metal plate that read;


"Now, I ain't taking you by the Women's Barracks, mainly because we're gentlemen here-" He scrutinized Sledger for a moment, "-at least I hope we both are- but also because there's really not much to see down there since there's like… Only a few women that work here,"

"What did you just say before that last part-" The Sledger glared down at him, having taken a great offense to the implications the Mortar made towards him. The Mortars looked away real quick,

"Oh hey- C'mon, let's go!" The Mortar said, dragging the Sledger to the Men's Barracks by his shoulder.

The Sledger was immediately caught up by the amount of rooms there were in this section of the building. Some of them were plain, some of them were covered in stickers and other personalized decor. Sledger snorted at one sign that read 'No Girls Allowed!' that was held up by sloppily pasted glitter glue. Mortar looked to this before taking note of what Sledger was snickering at,

"Oh yeah, that's Pyros and Electroshockers room- Pyro does most of the decorating, which makes that sign funnier- his only friend is a girl,"

"That's kind of sad.. Whose his friend?"

"Oh, don't feel bad, he's an asshole and so is his annoying friend. His friend is Engie- or Engineer, that she-devil almost got me frostbite!" The Mortar grumbled, the Sledger tilted his head in response, curious of the Mortars relationship with these towers,

"How so?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked, no one takes me seriously when I try to complain about it!" The Mortar fumed, "Basically, while I was getting my outfit ready for a sudden trip to Outpost 32- " The Sledgers breath caught at that, "-She stole my winter gear! I didn't know at the time so I go about getting a meal before I leave, thinking I'll be able to just slide my suit on- but lo and behold! My winter gear is gone- and guess what!? I didn't have any time to look for it! Like- at all- because as soon as I find out: Commanders knocking at my door- telling me to get my ass out there- but guess what! My fucking outfits gone! I try to reason with him, but he just tells me to deal with it! So I go out there- mad as all hell and get on that damn helicopter. Then you want to know what I notice as soon as the helicopter begins take off? That BITCH wearing MY UNIFORM! Like- can you believe this shit only gets WORST!? -because OH BROTHER it gets WORST. Like- seriously WORST! As soon as she fucking notices me she starts giggling and shit and starts fucking saying shit like 'Oh hi Mortar! Where's your coat?' Like she doesn't know where it is! Then a couple hours into being cooped up in that stupid ass helicopter with her she's bitching about how cold it is! Wahh, wah! So I give her a piece of my mind! I tell her about how cold I AM because she took my fucking gear! -and you wanna know whose side Commander took? Spoiler alert! NOT MINE! EVEN THOUGH HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MY SIDE! In fact, he suggests that I wear the bunny costume that RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE! -it gets WORST! Ranger-that bastard- says we're FLIRTING!!! Does it get any worse than that? OH FUCK YEAH IT DOES-"

The Mortar feels a hand pat his back,

"Uh.. You need to take a break..?" The Sledgers voice has a slight tremble in it, concerned. The Mortar blanks for a moment,



"-and that's Hunter and Archers room- Did you know they're brothers? Of course you didn't, they've also got Sniper in there for some reason," The Mortar was blabbering away,

B1, a dented door that looks like it's been through many hardships,
"Ugh, mine and those other two assholes… I know why Commander put Cowboy here- because he doesn't respect me!"

B2, a door with a sloppily finger-painted snowy and forested landscape,
"This one's Minigunners and Paintballers,  I'm sure you're real curious of how I remembered that,"

B3, a door that looked fairly normal, the only personalization it had was a triangle '!Zombies will be headshotted on sight!' sign,
"Militants and Shotgunners,"

C1, A rather cheerily decorated door, plastic flowers with bumblebees and cute generic words. Oddly enough they covered edgier decorations,
"This ones Swarmers and Toxic-gunners," It was nice to hear a familiar name,

C2, a door with slash marks on it and cold air rushing out from beneath it,
"This one is.. Egh.. Let's not talk about it.."

C3, a door with a bunch of warning labels on it,
"DJs and Accelerators, if DJ invites you to jam; don't, the shit Accelerator has going on in there… You probably wouldn't recover from it,"

D1, a plain door, seems like these people don't have anything too strange going on,
"-and this is Commandos- that damn casanova, and Frost-Blasters room, they're normal, well other than Commando," The Mortar rolled his eyes.

D2, a heavily dented door with scuff marks and ash on it,
"Demoman's and Rocketeer's room, I wish I got to bunk with them, they seem really cool..."

The Mortar glanced over the rest of the doors,
"-and all of these aren't in use, right now the Commanders focusing on filling up the rooms that are in use to their full potential, which means these won't be in use for a LONG time,"

"So, does that mean I'll end up in one of those rooms with.. other people?"

"Uh yeah, I guess, unfortunately I can't ask you to bunk with me because my rooms already got three people,"


"Oh uh, yeah, you seem like a cool person,"

The Sledger put a hand on the back of his own neck,
"Oh.. Thanks,"

The Mortar tilted his head and furrowed an eyebrow in confusion,
"Uh.. you're welcome?"

The Mortars eyes lit up suddenly,

"Hey! I still got more to show you, come on!"

With that, the Mortar grabbed the Sledger by the wrist and dragged him out of there and on to the next destination.

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