Chapter 5: A Tour Where Nothing Goes Wrong

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Once the Sledger was done with his signature, the Commander turned the paper over, facing towards himself. The Commander paused for a moment, before squinting his eyes. The Sledgers posture closed in on himself, not liking the scrutinizing. Did he do something wrong? If the Sledger disappointed would he make him stay up longer? Training and training and training-?

"Do you even know how to write? This looks like a kindergartener wrote it."


"Uhm.. I haven't written for a while.. Sir," His voice trembled as he inhaled. Of course his handwriting was bad, did you think the Frost Spirit had any writing materials? Didn't think so.

"I guess it'll be good enough," The Commander grumbled, "Your first job will be to train your writing skills under Medic." He paused, "Speaking of Medic: get out of here and grab her for me, then you can get to training on that when I'm done with her," The Commander made a shooing motion at Sledger, who quickly took the hint and rushed out of his chair and out of the oppressive room.

The Sledger inhaled, greedily taking in air that hadn't been present in that office. The Medic and Mortar immediately rushed to his side, in an attempt to ease him, maybe. Medic was the first to speak,

"From what Mortars telling me, Commander was most likely giving you a chance at the real world. What civilian city is he putting you in?" The Medic questioned, to which Mortar gave a nervous glance to him from behind her. Looks like his advocate hadn't given a certain Medic full details. After a couple of breaths Sledger responded to her,

"H…" Huff, "..Here…" His hands were on his knees as he leaned against the door. The Medics eyes went as wide as saucers,

"YOU DIDN'T." She grabbed the Sledger by the shoulders,

"HE TOLD YOU EVERYTHING RIGHT!?" She shook him, "IF HE DIDN'T- I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'LL DO- BUT I'LL DO SOMETHING!" In spite of the momentary flashback the Sledger got from that wording, he tried to respond,

"He did- He did.. He told me everything." 

"-and you said yes!?"

"Yeah.. He also said he wanted you in his office.."

The Medic was dumbfounded, was the stranger really as stupid as all the others!? At least she had an excuse as to why she was here, he had better options! So why-

"Medic..? Did you hear me? Commander wants you," The Sledgers voice cut into her thoughts, to which she groans,

"Okay fine!" She snapped quickly, "Mortar!" She addressed, to which Mortar immediately stood to attention, "Since he's extended his stay, it may do well to show him around base,"

"Right..!" The Mortar timidly responded, oddly conflicting with his character.

The Medic took her leave, gently pushing the Sledger out of her way as she made her way into the office. Despite her gentle mannerisms, the expression she wore was tired.Now it was just the Mortar, the Sledger, and the awkward silence. The Mortar sighed before giving him a tired smile,

"So… About showing you around.."

Without a word the Mortar left the area, only pausing when he noticed the Sledger wasn't following him,

"You coming?"

The Sledger blanked before he stood to full attention,

"Oh- uh- yeah!" The Sledger quickly caught up to the Mortar, nearly tripping over his own two legs.

"So, anywhere specific you want to head to first?" The Mortar asked, to which the Sledger gave him a blank look under his gear,

"I don't know this place like you,"

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