"I think I'm gonna like this place." Hikari said to herself. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind them.

"You two are the new transfer students Soma and Hikari Yukihira, right?" The same voice that was chastising the other people inside the dorm spoke. We turned around and saw an old woman wearing a headband and an apron.

"I am the dorm mother for this establishment, Fumio, or Ms. Daimidou or the holy mother of Kyoksukei. You can call me that."

I grimaced upon seeing the dorm mother while Hikari seemed delighted in meeting Ms. Fumio. She bowed with a big smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Fumio. I'm Hikari Yukihira and this is my brother Soma. Glad to be here." She introduced her self.

Ms. Fumio smiled at my sister.

"Well, at least someone has some respect in this school. Now, what ingredients have you prepared?"

"Huh? Ingredients for what?" I asked, surprising both Ms. Fumio and Hikari.

"What else?" Ms. Fumio said, "For the famous Kyokusei entrance exam of course."

"It was all in the paper, Soma. Surely you read the requirements. Isn't that why you brought the charcoal grill, so you could at carry some ingredients in it?" Hikari asked.

"The girl is right. Residency will only be granted to those who create a dish in which its flavors are acceptable. And the judging will be done by the dorm's supervisor. Finally, the residents are allowed to bring any ingredients they wish."

"How was I supposed to know that? I didn't bring any ingredients with me. And Hikari, why didn't you tell me about this exam thing?" Soma shouted.

"You said that you read everything. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you prepared for it. Guess I was wrong once again." Hikari said shrugging her shoulders.

"If you have nothing to offer, then you've lost by default." Ms. Fumio said with a smirk, "Unless you can show what you can do, then you've got no place here."

"So, what about tonight?" I asked.

"The two of you will be sleeping outside."

"You've gotta be kidding me! Don't you know how cold it gets out there in April?" I complained.

"Ms. Fumio, since this place is a dorm, surely there must be at least some ingredients lying around here. Maybe we could use those for our entrance exam." Hikari suggested.

Ms. Fumio hummed in thought, constantly glancing between me and my sister before she smirked at us with a glimmer in her eyes.

"Well, there are some leftovers in the kitchen, but it's a mish mash. I highly doubt you can really make anything the scraps that we've got." Ms. Fumio said.

Hikari and I perked up when she said leftovers. Hikari turned to me and smiled, reigniting my cooking fury as our two minds clicked together with the same idea.

"I think my sister is right yet again. Show us to the kitchen." I said.

Ms. Fumio showed us  to the large dorm kitchen. She turned on the lights and we stood in awe at the amazing kitchen they had.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, "I didn't expect a kitchen like this."

"This is incredible." Hikari added.

"If there's one thing I hate it's cocky kids with inflated egos." Ms. Fumio said, "You have no idea how many student's dishes I've tasted in my life. Do you two really think you'll impress me with some slop you just throw together?"

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