Chapter 10: Maze pt1

Start from the beginning

"We must've lost him" Tray spoke up at the front. Scarlet turned to Raidan "He doesn't know the school that well. He could get lost-"

"Scarlet I know. But we just need to think of right now" Raidan gritted his teeth. Scarlet blinked becoming quiet. Biting her lip at the thought of Jake being lost amongst everyone and how frustrated Raidan was getting.

Soon the duo turned to footsteps behind them. On the other side of the hall, a group of men stared at them. The boots banged against the floor as their clown masks showed only one expression; some happy, sad or even angry. The two groups stared for a minute. Until the clowns started to get closer...

Scarlet's eyes widened  "Open those doors now!" The teenagers did everything they did to the doors. Pushing and banging until some fist's bled. Because she was near the back, Scarlet could see the men become getting clearer. Her eyes began to blur from panic.

But all of a sudden. The doors opened again.

Everyone crashed through to the other side and began running down the hall. Scarlet ran with them. But looked back at the men still walking towards them.


"Is everyone okay" Tim asked as Charlie and Joel stopped to breath outside. They escaped as soon as the Joker annouced he was there by breaking a ground floor window. Everyone began to call their families as Tim contacted Young Justice. Joel looked back "We gotta help them" Even though Tim nodded in agreement, he didn't want his friends invloved "I say let's call everyone. Police, tweet justice League, do anything" He saw kids leaving the middle school section of the Academy and spoke up "Let's go and help those kids too. Don't think the Joker's men attacked that side too much by the looks of it" Charlie and Joel nodded as they began to run over.

Tim was also running to see if Damian was outside. His eyes scanned the area until he saw him frowning with rage within the scared crowd. He went over and hugged his little brother tightly "Put me down" Damian whined. Tim whisperered seriously "Play the part of a scared student or people will think oddly" Damian sighed as he hugged Tim back. They were given their own space by others and gave them a opportunity to talk about their plan.

"Father contacted, they are on their way. Also some members of Young Justice and Justice League" Damian reported. He then looked behind Tim and back "Where is Scarlet?"

"Shit" Tim looked back at the building. There was hope she would have gotten out by now. His eyes stared at the school. Now he needed to get back inside.

By this point, Gotham Police had showed and was blocking people off. Tim pushed past people to try and get entry. Damian joined, however, without their costumes there were just normal kids to Gordan. He put his hand up "Sorry boys, off limits"  Tim shouted "My sister is in there! Let me in!" Gordan explained other people were in there as well. He was called over and was replaced with another officer. Damian tried to attack but Tim grabbed him before he could do anything. "We can't risk getting caught" Damian replied to Tim's comment "So you would Risk Scarlet's life for it?"

Before anything else was said, the heros of Gotham had arrived as their verchles skidded across the ground. Some of the younger kids began to smile seeing them in person. Batman and Nightwing appearing from the batmobile as the Red Hood came off his motorcyle. They went straight to business speaking to Gordan as the students and teachers admired their last hope. Soon enough other members had arrived. The Flash and Green Arrow had joined from the Justice League and additionally Kid Flash and Starfire.

"How can he control the doors?"  Kid Flash asked while a plan was being made "The school added these security doors to allow them to block sections off" The Batman said scanning the building. He then put a finger to his ear and asked "Orcle, where exactly is the code room for it. Have you managed to hack in yourself?"

Barbra was sitting on the other side of Gotham typing as she spoke. "It seems to be on the second floor towards the left side, one of three security rooms. And no, whoever has done this has made it a puzzle to hack into this code. Will try though to open the doors"

Batman nodded turning to the group. Everyone was ready to begin taking down Jokers men. The longer they waited the worst it would get. He scanned the children and teens to see if he could see familiar faces. He heard a shout "Batman! Batman!" It was Tim. Batman pretened to ignore as if he was a fan but signaled he was listening. "Mt sister is still there!" Nightwing and the Red Hood picked up on this and turned towards each other. Batman nodded understanding his mission became bigger.

However it started a change reaction....

"My brother is in there!"

"My mum is one of the teachers"

"Batman, please help!"

The police had to create a bigger wall to stop people reaching the heros. Nightwing turned "You heard the crowd. Everyone needs to get out safe" They all nodded. They began going to the entrance.

This was Batmans last straw.

Kinda rushed but finally posted

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