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dear diary, its been almost 4 years of me having a crush on pedro. I know he's been my best friend for the past 8 years of my life but i can't stop my feelings. He's just so charming and so handsome. I wish I could just tell him but my gut feeling always stops me. Why you may ask, he has this big fat crush on Annabella. He thinks she's the most prettiest girl in school. Shes not even so pretty, and her personality is even worst. I still have to look at him drooling over her. It hurts very much. Please lord, make him fall in love with me, por favor.

I then closed my diary, stood up and walked to the bookshelf. There behind some books i hide my diary. Nobody can touch it, nor read it.

Oh some background information. My name is Diana and im 16 years old. Im an only child and i live with both of my parents in madrid. My bestfriend pedro also lives in madrid. We met because of our father at a real madrid. After that we bonded and became inseparable immediately. We were 8 when we met and i was 12 when i got a crush on him. He never noticed even if i make it obvious, he still doesn't notice..

Pedro wanted to go and play soccer st our spot today. I got ready and put on a loose shirt and some shorts. I then put on some soccer shoes and took my ball with me.

I walked out the door and started heading there. I wasn't so good at soccer but the thought of pedro still playing 1v1 with me made me melt. I would never say yes to 1v1 him but he always touches my hands and that is the best part about it. His touches even make me red.

When i arrived there i saw pedro playing with the ball. I walked up to him and called out for him. "Hola pedri" i said and he rolled his eyes. He hates when i call him that nickname or when i call him pepi. I've started calling him these names about 7 years ago. It still annoys him till this day.

"Diana, didn't i tell you to stop calling me that like..7 years ago?" "Yeah but i like it, so get used to it." I said and he sighed. "Oh trust me i already did. Hey wanna 1v1?" He said and i looked up at him. "Only if you buy me ice cream later." "Deal." He said and we shook hands.

He was tricking me like i was a cat and i couldn't get the ball from him. He was laughing his ass off while i was whinnying. I then tried to get the ball again but almost fell down. He then caught me by my waist pulling me closer to him. Our faces were inches apart from each other and he was looking down at my eyes. Mine were also looking in his but then i noticed his eyes moved down to my lips. I got butterflies in my stomach but then someone interrupted us making us pull away and looked the other direction.

"Hey kids, when are you coming home?" Pedros mother said. "I made your guy's favorite dish." She added. "Soon mamá." He said and looked over at her. She nodded and walked away. I then turned to look st him again and he looked at me while scratching the back of his head. "How about ice cream?" He said making me smile. His lips also formed into a smile and we then made our way to the store.

It was 8:30pm and the sun was slowly going away. We were sitting on a table enjoying our ice cream in a peacefully silence. He then spoke up. "So uh there something I've been meaning to tell you.." he said turning to me. Is this it? Is he going to confess his feelings for me? "Y-yeah what is it?" I said preparing myself for his confession. "I've got a soccer contract to play for Barcelona which is good but uhm..i have to move there." He said and my heart fell to the ground.

"Wait, but you aren't going right? You love madrid and you love real madrid didn't you want to play there?" I said looking over at him confused. "They don't want me diana, but Barcelona dose and its a big chance for me to become a successful soccer player once." He said making it seem so good there. "But pedro your leaving the place you love the people you love here, y-your leaving me.." i said getting teary eyes. He then pulled me into a hug and i felt his tears on my shirt and i cried on his shoulder that day.

It was the next day and it was true. Yesterday was mine and pedris last day together in madrid. Today hes going on a flight to barcelona and his family is going to go to. Hes leaving me alone.

I was at the airport with him and his family and my family. We were saying our goodbyes and then it finally came to me and pedri. I pulled him into a hug and he also hugged me back. I then felt tears forming in my eyes again but i held them back. When i heard him sobbing tho i had to cry to. After our hug I took something out of my bag. "Take it, and read it if you really really miss me." I said handing him my diary. He then handed me a necklace. It was a sliver necklace with a beautiful butterfly on it. "Here have it, it was suppose to be a birthday gift but since i wont be here..i had to give it to you now."

I then let him put it on me and he then pulled me into a hug again. "Im going to miss you.." i said and he nodded. He didn't want to talk or he'll burst out crying even more. I was already crying and then i had to let go of him. Our bodys separated but our hands didn't. Till he had to leave to his plane.

That was it, my bestfriend of 8 years, my lover of 4 years was leaving me. I don't know how i can do this all by myself...

4 years later..

A/N: this is my first ever pedri story so i hope you guys enjoyed the first part and theres going to be a lot more. I also have a gavi story if you want to check it out. Love you all❤️

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