The brothers were caught off guard, but followed her, and once they reached the royal castle, they waited for a bit.

Looking around, Thomas saw a woman being mugged a little bit away.

"Well, old David would want me to be heroic, so I'll have to make him proud!"

Thinking something like that, Thomas turned around and excused himself, running towards the mugging.

The woman was dressed in a purple dress, as 2 men were next to her with knives out.

Thomas jumped into the air, and punched one of the men in the back of the head, knocking him out.

Thomas immediately grabbed the man's knife, and as the other turned around, David socked him as well, knocking him out.


"Why did you run so far? Well, if we punch these people, then we punch them."

Yeah, that's how things work.

If you do something, then you do it.

You can't unpunch someone.


The brothers turned their attention towards the woman, who laughed.

"My, my! Very well, you two have passed the test! What guild are you from?"

Both Thomas and David were left speechless, looking at the woman.

"W-what test?"

"Hmph! The test to see if anyone would save the princess, of course!"

Thomas tilted his head in confusion, but then thought deeper about the beautiful purple dress the woman wore.

From what he knew, purple was expensive to make in the old days, so it was mostly worn by the rich and noble.

"Uh, the Death Worshippers."

Hearing that name, the woman snickered, and walked away.

The brothers were left confused, and walked back to the royal castle with the woman, not entering.

However, the woman was able to enter early, due to being a princess.

Seeing the princess, Alkaline stood up straight, and began to spout words of admiration, before the princess finally entered the royal castle.

"Wait, so that really was the princess?"

Alkaline turned her head, and looked as though she had seen a ghost.

"D-did you not know that was the princess?"

Being complete strangers to this new world, they didn't have a clue on how things really worked, or the system.

The only knowledge Thomas wielded were assumptions about a fantasy world, as well as little scraps of knowledge, with David knowing even less.


With those words, the other guilds finally arrived, and the 3 rejoined with the Death Worshippers, finally seeing their captain.

It was a blond haired, muscular man wearing a white tank top, and red shorts.

Now that all of the guilds came together, the gates opened, and the 3 guilds walked inside of the castle, entering the throne room, which was quite large.

Thomas looked around, and saw the princess sitting near the throne, winking at him and his brother.

Thomas looked away, and saw it.

History's Greatest Brothers: Thomas and DavidWhere stories live. Discover now