chapter 1

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One day my sister tsireya and I were having a race on our ilus mine was called ena we were about to race when we heard a siren go off "what was that" tsireya asked me "I don't know let's go check" I told her.

When we came we saw a family being surrounded by our clan they looked nice I saw this boy trying to make a move on tsireya "hey" he said she said laughed I saw in the corner of my eye rotxo and aonung pushing through the crowd "oh no" I said under my voice as the two boys were greeting us kindly rotxo said "what are thoughs how will they swim in the water" "don't rotxo" tsireya hissed at him I just laughed.

I saw dad come out of the water asking the family "jake sully what are you doing here" he asked "my family and I have been fighting against the sky people we need a place to stay" he explained then my mum came checking them "your tails are week" she said tugging their tails "there arms are week" then she came to the boy that was talking to tsireya earlier "they have demon blood" she yelled revealing his hands I was shocked "look I came from the sky people see but I'm navi now" he said showing his hand "my husband was toruk Makto" the mother said "he fought against the sky people" "neytiri" jake said my mother hissed at their mother then she hissed right back "sorry about my mate" jake apologized "do not apologize for me" she hissed back "she's tired we came a long way" he said.

After alot of discussion my parents whispered to eachother then I heard my father speak "toruk makto and his family will stay with us treat them like your brothers and sisters they will be slow in the water so we will teach them our ways" father announced "but in order for you guys to stay you will have to be my daughters future mate" mother then pointed at the older son "mother" I said "y/n the decision has been made" she told me "we have to think about that" jake sully said as their family went in a circle the boy looked as pissed as I was.

"We will accept your offer" jake sully said back to us "great my 2 daughters tsireya and y/n and son aonung will help teach you our ways" me and aonung complained "mother I don't have time" I complained "y/n aonung deal with it" tonowari hissed at us aonung looked at me "if he hurts you tell me straight away I don't like this" he said "I will" I told him me and aonung were twins so we had a really strong bond since we were born.

"Come I will show you the village" tsireya said walking as they followed me and aonung just walked behind with rotxo following "man I feel bad for you you've gotta mate with a stranger" rotxo said he was my best friend and aonungs "don't remind me please rotxo" I told him "yeah don't talk about it" aonung hissed at him "ok sorry" he said "this is your mauri" tsireya said " go to the beach tomorrow and we will teach you how to swim" tsireya said then leaving them I saw the boy staring at me "dinner is at sunset come to the hut and the food will be ready" I told them then left aonung and rotxo was waiting for me "wanna go hunting?" Aonung asked me "I have future tsahik duty to do" I told aonung "Come onnnnn you can do them later" rotxo and aonung begged me "fine let's go" I said

We arrived at our favourite spot and got a tone of fish then we came back home "where were you" mother asked me "you are meant to plan dinner" she said "I have fish" I told her "wow that's alot" she said taking the fish off us "Come on y/n we have to cook now" she grabbed me "mum" I said while helping her cook "yes darling?" She asked me "I don't like this plan" I told her "me neither but you need a mate in order to be a tsahik and he looked like he has been tought how to be a cheif" she said "do you have the date?" I asked her "date for what" she turned to me "the date for the thing" "yes" she answered me "when is it?" I asked "you won't like it " "please mum" I begged her until she told me "fine in a couple of months, but I will tell the parents for you two to get to know eachother you will meet every night starting tomorrow after dinner" she said "ok".

It was sunset everyone had turned up I had made my special fish recipe that I have only made for my mother since she was pregnant when everyone tried it they looked amazed "this is so good can you make it more offten" aonung and tsireya begged me "this is mother's special food so she only cooks it for her mother and the pregnant women this is just a one off" mother hissed as they just laughed.

After dinner mother told the family while I collected everyone's dishes I then went to the boy who was wondering where to put his plate "here I can take it" I told him with a stack of plates in my hands "do you want help" he asked "no I can do it myself it won't hurt " I said "um ok well here " he said placing his plate on my stack then taking a whole lot "where do I put these" he asked me "I told you I can do it" I hissed at him "look I have been tought never let a lady carry the dishes" he explained "um ok well then follow me " I led him to where we wash the dishes he placed the dishes on the table then started to dry them "what's your name?" He asked " y/n what's yours?" "Neteyam" he responded "look I'm not comfortable either about this but my brother might keep an eye on you and his friend " I warned him "he already is" he said "oh well thanks for helping me" I told him after we finished "see you tomorrow?" He asked "mhm" I hummed "ok well night" then he walked off.

Authors note:
Sorry this is bad and short but I didn't know exactly what to write

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