chapter 2

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It was morning and to teach the sullys kids how to swim we meet up with them at the beach and tsireya had to drag me to come and she had to drag aonung ,rotxo was there to help as well we saw them but first told them our names "hi I'm tsireya" tsireya said smiling she then nudged me and aonung to say our names "I'm rotxo" rotxo said to break the silence "I'm aonung" aonung said being moody "I'm y/n" I said rolling my eyes "I'm neteyam" "I'm loak" "I'm kiri" "I'm tuk"they all said I had enough so did aonung so we dived into the water then the others followed they jumped in a not so pleasant way as we were swimming in the water the sullys kept going up to catch there breath "what's wrong with them" I signed "I don't know" aonung signed back tsireya and rotxo swam up then aonung went up taking my hand when we went up we heard tuk complaine.

"Your going to fast wait for us" tuk whined "breathe you need to breathe" tsireya said in a calm voice "your not good divers maybe through trees but" he was cut off by a slap by tsireya "Come on bro we don't understand this finger talk" neteyam said "I will teach you" tsireya said dealing with everyone's complaints "where's kiri?" Rotxo asked "who?" Aonung and I said "kiri where's kiri" rotxo repeated himself "she's probably looking at the fish she gets distracted easily" loak explained "well I'm leaving I have more important dutys to do" I excused myself "y/n I'm coming with you" aonung said "no you guys are staying" tsireya said dragging us back "tsireya let go of me" I hissed at her "I have to go help the pregnant women it's part of my job you know future tsahik duty" I reminded her "it's early in the morning you can do that later " she ordered "I'm older than you tsireya so don't tell me what to do I have to check on them" I hissed swimming away "skxwang" loak said "watch it" aonung hissed at him "stop fighting she will come back" tsireya said.

As I was checking up on the pregnant women mum saw me "sweetheart what's wrong your meant to be helping tsireya" mother ordered "I will go back after I check up on the pregnant women I have one more person to check" I explained "ok but after go straight back and help" mother demanded "yes mother" I nodded my head and left. After I checked on the last women I made my way to the water.

When I was going to where everyone was on my ilu I saw kiri "what is that" she asked petting it "it's an ilu you will learn how to ride one come on" I said grabbing her wrist "sit behind me and hold on to my shoulders" I told her as she grabbed my shoulders and we went under water after a long ride we found everyone.

"Kiri!" Tuk ,neteyam and loak said swimming over to her "woah what is this" neteyam asked "it's an ilu" I said petting ena " you will have one but you won't have one until" I was stopped by tsireya "we can teach them now" tsireya said "ok" I said "tuk you wanna ride my ilu?" I asked her "yes yes yes please" tuk screamed in excitement "go on kiri's lap" I said "she jumped on kiri's lap then before I was going to go under water I heard a voice "kiri hop off I want to go on" neteyam said "fine" kiri said rolling her eyes aonung gave me a look then I looked at him to do something he just rolled his eyes neteyam then went on my ilu holding tuk on his lap then he put his hands around waist "woah woah woah keep your hands on her shoulders" aonung said moving his hands "ok sorry" he apologized then I went under water I went really fast and tuk was laughing but she swallowed a tone of water I just laughed.

When we got to the beach we beat aonung rotxo and tsireya kiri was on the back of rotxo I could tell they liked eachother and loak on the back of tsireya then aonung called his ilu again because it ran away and same did I "these are ilu if you want to live here you have to ride" aonung explained "ok loak is with me kiri is with rotxo" tsireya said but when she was going to continue tuk begged to be with me " please please can I be with y/n tsireya" " sorry tuk but neteyam has to go with her" tsireya apologized "awh ok it's fine" tuk said "aonung your with tuk" tsireya said "ok" we all said I saw an ilu already stroking against neteyam "he likes you" I told him "what's his name " neteyam asked "Natan" I told him "well he is your ilu now connect your queue to  his then hop on him" I told neteyam he did what I said "feel his breath" "no your sitting wrong may I?" I asked him to move his legs to the right position he nodded as I moved his legs to the right position I could see he got tingles "there now your ready to go hold on to this" I told him then I lightly smacked the back of the ilu so it could move he then came back and nailed it "nice job well this is your ilu now" I told him "thanks " he said I then got on my ilu and went to the others and saw tuk struggling and aonung getting stressed I then went to help them.

"What's wrong?" I asked him "she keeps falling off" aonung complained "she's only little be patient move I'll do it you hang out with neteyam" I said shoving him "tuk your sitting in the wrong position" I told her "put your legs here" I told her she did that and held on "are you ready now hold on tight" I told her then she was off she knew how to ride the ilu "wasn't so hard was it aonung" I said teasing him then he chased me and I raced in to the open sea past the reef he then caught up to me "man why do you go so fast" he said laughing "maybe your just to slow" I said laughing "I'll get you back for that" he said laughing "let's go back now" I told him "fine" he said rolling his eyes.

As we were on our way back I told him to stop "look at rotxo and kiri" I said pointing at them " he likes her" he said smiling "he does" I said smiling "do you have anymore dutys today?" Aonung asked me "no I did them all" "wanna hang out with me and rotxo?" He asked again "ok but I can't after dinner mother wants me to know neteyam" I said rolling my eyes "ok well let's go get rotxo then" he said "ok".

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