Training | Maria Hill

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Summary: Your girlfriend trains you and it's always super fun.


"Y/n..." Maria entered the room and hugged you from behind. Your eyes were on some mission reports, and you'd been sitting at the desk since six a.m that morning. 

"Hm?" You hummed, taking her hand and kissing her palm, not taking your gaze off the reports.

"Can we train today?" She asked, kissing your head repeatedly. 

You laughed and said, "Of course we can, baby."

--Time Skip--

Two hours, Maria trained you relentlessly. You both were sparring, and she'd successfully flipped you to the ground. 

"Next time, guard your legs," she panted, letting you up. "Again." 

You snapped into stance and attacked, catching her in a painful headlock and bringing her down, trapping her leg with your own as you constricted your grip.

She tapped your arm, asking you to let go. You sat back on your palms and caught your breath, sweat glistening on your body. 

"God you look hot as hell." Maria admitted, eyes fixed on you.

"Now it's your turn to follow my lead." You said, standing up. "In the ring, now."

Your specialty was wrestling and MMA, but you chose wrestling to do with her. 

"Baby, your form's all wrong again," you tutted, walking over to her. You lifted her fist and pushed her hips down a little, smiling at how easily she listened. 

You both wrestled for a good 10 minutes before you'd pinned her to the ground. She smirked, "Well, the view from down here's beautiful."

Blushing crimson, you got off her and said, "Fuck you for making me exert myself so much. Now I'm so tired I could just drop dead here."

Maria kissed your lips and said, "How bout a reward to make this better?" 

And almost immediately, you both shot off to get changed, for an evening of fun.


So bad im sorry it's like, twelve here and i m dead-

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