Chapter 53

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Chapter 53. Feeling sorry for my wife

    "Chushang..." Shang Cai came to his senses, "I didn't see her coming home, I thought she was busy, and finally the Huang family came to find out what happened."

    Chu Naiyun became anxious, "What happened?

    " , how the beginner was removed from the board of directors.

    "It seems that the company's cargo plane had a flight accident. People in the company who are dissatisfied with the first business united to ask her to step down. It must be that old woman from the Huang family who joined forces with several shareholders of the company to attack her. Now that Chu Cai has a mission, it cannot be done in a short time. Come back." Shang Cai also panicked.

    Right now it's important to find Chushang first, Chu Naiyun took out his phone and called her.

    It rang a few times before being picked up.

    "What's wrong?" the woman asked him.

    "Have you gone home?" Chu Naiyun tried to keep his tone calm.

    "I'm going on a business trip to the neighboring city for a few days, and you and Mom are at home." Chushang was as usual, with no abnormal tone, "I'll come back to buy you a gift."

    Chu Naiyun didn't want to disturb her pace, she wanted to ask something In the end, I didn't ask about the exit.

    "Okay, be safe." Maybe Chushang is already dealing with this matter, and he needs to have confidence in her.

    Shang Cai was even more irritable, rolling up her sleeves and cursing: "You really think I'm a vegetarian! My husband is gone, but it doesn't mean I'm dead too. If I don't show them my surname, I won't be Shang."

    After finishing speaking, she pulled out her mobile phone and dialed, The other party picked her up and said with a crackling sound: "Little grandson, let me tell you what's the matter with you, that old woman from the Huang family has gone crazy in front of me, you found a way to get her brother's entertainment company for me, and her sister's system Get a job here, make me yellow!"

    The person opposite was shocked by his aunt, and hurriedly agreed.

    After hanging up the phone, Shangcai packed up his luggage, and told Chu Naiyun: "You are at home these few days. They can make a big move in Chujia. I have to go home and find someone to help check. There must be something tricky." Shangcai has

    a wide network of contacts . , She went to ask in person, and there might be unknown stories that could be uncovered.

    "Okay." Chu Naiyun went upstairs to take Chu Nai home.

    Lying on the bed at night, Chu Naiyun was restless.

    Something happened at home, everyone was working hard, but there was nothing he could do.

    What he prefers is that Chushang may find a place to be sad, and she doesn't want to be seen by everyone.

    The next day, he called Xu Yi to explain the situation. His work was temporarily postponed, and he only took on work that could be done at home.

    For three days in a row, she was teasing her daughter and waiting for news.

    On the fourth night, when Chushang came home, he was feeding his daughter. The little guy seemed to have ADHD. Chu Naiyun was relatively new to this job, and there were more drops on the floor than in his mouth. He was reprimanding the little one. Guy wastes food.

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