Chapter 1

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My control was a mess but the queen was moving in the direction I wanted. It was southwest of Yongsan-gu. It was Nodeulseom, one of the few islands in Han River. If I remembered correctly, this island was the place with the most potential for the Disaster of Floods to hatch and also the hidden disaster placed in
This disaster is very similar to the incarnation, having scenarios that must be completed in order to survive in this doomsday world.
his first appearance was discovered by yoo junghyuk who was scouting the area in the 2nd regression

shoulder-length black hair with reddish-brown eyes, transmigrants have a muscular body covered in scars

["so messed up..."
was his first word after he opened his eyes.

disaster looked at yoo jungyeok with a stoic face and after a while he opened his mouth and said

"Hey... how about we make a deal?"
the disaster's smile was so bright like nothing was wrong

"My name is...####"
and this encounter with disaster was the first time Junghyeok was deceived]

'That episode is the funniest, always makes me satisfied when I'm annoyed with Junghyeok in another regression'

back to the main plan, Ways of Survival is a novel where the year is not specified and sometimes no fixed geographical name is used.

'Welp... this will be harder than I imagined'


everything was at its lowest point when their commander was in his dying state. by fighting back and buying time they could only hope that their commander would wake up soon

'Cale-nim...I hope you will get well soon'
Choi Han said to himself while swinging his sword

unfortunately Cale could only stay in this dark void while wait for the one who cause all this to show up. sorry i can't intervered sooner

the darkness were forming a shadow somehow

long and heavy sigh were given to answer the shadow'im tired off all this,what do you want?'

-It seems like the SG has place a test to you again while you were at your weakest...

"So what?,im sure this will be another test in my old body."

-Well yes but this time you probably will be given task personally by him,and i can't do nothing

"Why are you so...Hahh"

-But at least I can lighten your load a bit...

Cale was about to talk back when he was suddenly cut off by a message

-Cale remember this even if you have to do something unimaginable you have to come back kay?

-I'll keep an eye on the situation here

the sound slowly faded

-oh and have sent a little help there, I'll pick you up when the situation improves

with that last message Cale could no longer hear his voice, but instead was replaced by another voice

sound of something cracking open and he can now move his body

the chilly wind brush past his body making him shudder,slowly open his eyes to see the situation hes in

hes now ready to face what's about to come...
or so he think

Yeay!chapter 1 finish....i wonder if it's worth continuing?

What you think?comment!

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