Chapter 1

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Manish Ratnakar was wandering around the college campus, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling collage fest. He was there to attend the program of his daughter, Tanvi.( she was going to perform in the collage fest.)

As he was walking, a man in a black coat approached him.

"Excuse me, are you Manish Ratnakar?" the man asked.

Manish was surprised by the question. "Yes, that's me," he said.

"I am Samir, Mr. Ram Rajvansh's personal assistant," the man said with a smile. "Mr. Rajvansh is here to attend the program as well, and we just found out that you would be here. He would like to meet you, if you are free."

Manish's face lit up with excitement. "Ram Rajvansh? My old friend from high school? Of course, I would love to meet him!" he exclaimed.

Samir smiled and led Manish to a private room where Ram was waiting. The two old friends hugged each other warmly, reminiscing about old times and catching up on the years that had passed since they last saw each other.

"It's been too long, Manish," Ram said. "I can't believe we just happened to be at the same place at the same time."

"It's a small world," Manish replied, "I am so glad we got to see each other again."

The two of them chatted for sometime, catching up on old times and discussing their families. Manish told Ram about his daughter, Tanvi, and her studies at the university, and Ram told Manish about his son, Rajesh, and his studies and what he is doing nowadays.

As the conversation came to a close, Ram turned to Manish with a serious expression. "Manish, I need to ask you something. It's something that's been on my mind for a long time," he said.

Manish looked at him curiously. "What is it?" he asked.

"Do you remember our promise from high school, about our children getting married?" Ram asked.

Manish's eyes widened in surprise. "Yes, I remember," he said.

"Well, I was wondering if you would be open to the idea of Rajesh and Tanvi getting married," Ram said Manish was taken back by Ram's proposal. He knew that their promise from high school was something they had always joked about, but he never thought it would become a reality. He thought about his daughter, Tanvi, and how she deserved the best in life. He also thought about Ram's son, Rajesh, and how he didn't know much about him.

"Ram, I don't know," Manish said hesitantly. "I haven't met Rajesh and I don't know much about him. I trust you, but I want to make sure that Tanvi is happy and that she's with someone who will treat her well."

Ram understood Manish's concerns. "I understand where you're coming from," he said. "But I can assure you that Rajesh is a good person. He's kind, hardworking, and successful. He's nothing like his father, I promise you that."

Manish let out a sigh. "I know you wouldn't propose this if you didn't think it was a good idea," he said. "But I think we should discuss this with our families before making any decisions. It's a big step and it will change the fate of both of our families forever."

"I agree," Ram said. "Let's talk to our families and see what they think. But I hope you'll consider it, Manish. I think it would be a great way to bring our families together and continue our friendship." Manish nodded, deep in thought. He knew that if he said yes, it would change the fate of both of their families forever. But he also knew that Ram was a good person, and he trusted his judgement. As they left the room, Manish couldn't shake off the feeling that he was about to make a decision that would change his life forever.

As they walked towards the venue of the program, Ram introduced Manish to his son Rajesh who was nearby the venue and when he saw his father he just came there. Manish was immediately struck by Rajesh's good looks and charismatic personality. Rajesh greeted Manish warmly and the three of them walked together, chatting and getting to know each other.

As they entered the venue of the program, Manish could not help but feel a sense of awe at the grandeur of the building. The decorations, the lighting, and the ambiance all added to the sense of occasion. He turned to Ram and smiled, feeling grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend and for the introduction to his son.

As they found their seats, Manish couldn't help but steal a glance at Rajesh. He was struck by the young man's good looks and charismatic personality. Rajesh caught his eye and smiled, making Manish feel at ease.

During the program, Manish found himself paying close attention to Rajesh. He was impressed by the young man's intelligence, hard work, and ambition. He could tell that Rajesh was a top student at the university, ranking in the top 5 of every exam. This made Manish feel reassured about Rajesh's potential as a suitable match for his daughter Tanvi.

Manish also found out that despite being the son of a wealthy family, Rajesh was not one to waste money on frivolous things. He was responsible with his finances and had a strong sense of values, which only added to Manish's positive impression of him.

As the program came to an end, Manish couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that whatever decision he made about the potential marriage between Tanvi and Rajesh, it would change the fate of both of their families forever. He knew that he had to make sure that it was the right one. He turned to Ram and thanked him for the introduction to his son.

After the program, the three of them went out for dinner together. Manish found Rajesh to be a great conversationalist, and he was impressed by the young man's maturity and intelligence. They discussed various topics and found that they had a lot in common. As the night came to an end, Manish couldn't help but feel that he had made a new friend.

As they parted ways, Manish couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism. He knew that he had to talk to Tanvi about Rajesh, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that this could be the beginning of something special. He knew that whatever decision he made, it would be one that would change the fate of both of their families forever. But he was confident that with Rajesh, it would be for the better.

As they said their goodbyes and walked towards their separate cars, Manish couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and optimism. He had enjoyed getting to know Rajesh and was impressed by the young man's intelligence, ambition and values. Before getting into his car, Manish turned to Rajesh and said, "I think we should meet again, this Sunday at X hotel. I'd like to introduce you to my family and talk more about what we've discussed."

Rajesh looked confused, as he was not aware of any previous conversations between Manish and his father. He wondered what they could possibly be talking about.As they drove away, Manish could not help but feel a sense of hope and optimism.

As for Rajesh, he was left confused and curious. He didn't know what to expect from the meeting at the hotel and he couldn't shake off the feeling that something important was about to happen. He decided to talk to his father about it and find out what was going on. He knew that he had to be prepared for whatever the future held.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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