Chapter 44: Paint It, Black

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Lesson 1: If you have the will, then do it.
Lesson 2: Work those muscles.
Lesson 3: Have belief in the Spin
Lesson 4: Show some respect
Lesson 5: Create a path to call your own

These are the cryptic lessons of my mother's Spin. I understood 3 of them before the beginning of May, but I've hit a snag with the 4th one

Lesson 1 was easy enough, as the answer is in the name. So long as you have the will to use the Spin, you will use it

Lesson 2 was simple, too. Use it on yourself and force your own body to do things it wouldn't necessarily be able to do. It gets easier with time, especially if you tone your muscles regularly like I have been doing

Lesson 3, now. It took some time, but I figured it out. You need to study how the golden ratio works and try not to go mad attempting to understand it. Just believe that it works, and it should do the trick

And that's it for now. I'm getting the hang of this technique and it's pretty useful

I awoke to birds chirping outside. This is a comforting sound, and it almost put me back to sleep

Other than the birds chirping and the ticking clock, the whole apartment was silent, as I expected it to be

Reluctantly, I got out of bed and put on some clothes. I'll shower later, I've got plants and birds to feed

I opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside. I grabbed the watering can and made sure each plant got enough water for the rest of the day

I topped up the bird seed in the bird feeders, watching as they quickly flocked to get their grub on in for the morning

I took a moment to stare out into the distance. My eyes were set on the fields near the forest. One day, I want to set up an animal sanctuary, or at least own a house in the wilderness, where I can care for animals in my own time

I'm beginning to like animals far more than humans. The majority of them don't have the intelligence to have a moral compass, so what they do isn't usually out of malice. Dolphins can go to hell, though. Bullies of the sea

Most animals make me feel like I need to protect them from negative human interference. I don't know why I feel this need to be a guardian to animals, it's probably because I've always loved them, but it feels so much more than that

It's like it's in my genetic makeup or even my soul. Maybe I'll find out the truth one day, or maybe I won't. I don't have it on my list of priorities

Or maybe... Maybe I'm just trying to hold onto the more minor things that make me happy, now knowing that one of those things might not ever come to light again

I went back inside and made my way to the kitchen. I fancied shoving something warm down my gullet, so toast will have to do

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I heard a certain somebody say as I went to put the bread in the toaster

"Morning, JoJo. How'd you sleep last night?"

"Not as good as you. Nothing could wake you up last night, not even a lightning strike to your face."

"Seriously? I was that conked out?"

"I didn't mind, even though you held onto me as if your life depended on it."

We both laughed about it for a few seconds and the room fell silent once more

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