"Yeah a week with no letters" Fred exclaims.

"I sent Harry one"

"Yes but not us your best friends we have been so worried about you" George says finally letting go whilst Fred just hug's me tighter.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. Are you okay now?" Fred asks finally releasing me.

"I'm getting there. I have my safe place back to release my power and a way to talk to Moony whenever I need to. He's told me I need to use my power's more regularly so they don't build up like they did"

"Just remember we're here as well" George says with a smile.

"I know and I love you guys for it"

"Right now you're back come with us" Fred says grabbing my hand and dragging me up to his dorm where Lee is sat on the floor looking over some sweet looking things.

"Rory" He shouts jumping up and enveloping me in a hug.

"Hi Lee, so what have you guy's been doing"

"We've been working on our prank sweet's" George says as he start's showing me all the different bits.

It's been a few week's since Harry's name came out of the cup and the first task is in a week. I'm sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast with the twins who are both in a deep discussion about different products they're thinking about designing. The owls start swooping in as a random barn owl drops a letter in front of me, picking it up I recognise Charlies writing.

Rory meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest by Hagrid's hut at 10am today

I glance at the time and notice it's already half 9 so I decide to go now.

"I'll see you guys later. Need to go let off some steam" I tell the twins who just wave at me before continuing with their conversation. I take a slow walk to Hagrid's hut and find him and Fang sat outside.

"Morning Rory, What brings you here"

"Morning Hagrid, hey Fang" I stroke Fang "I'm just meeting someone here and speak of the devil and he shall appear" I say as Charlie appears out of the tree's.

"Ello Charlie"

"Hello Hagrid. I've come to steal Rory if that's okay"

"See you later Hagrid" I say as I walk over to Charlie who interlocks our hands before pulling me towards the forest.

"Don't worry you'll be safe with me" He winks at me.

"Well Charlie I have some bad news for you. I'm one of the most dangerous things in this forest so maybe you need protection from me" I joke winking back at him as he turns to face me now we're out of view of Hagrid. His lips crashing to mine.

"I've missed you Nova"

"I've missed you too Charlie but what are you doing here in the forest"

"Come with me" He says pulling me behind him again as we walk through a magical barrier through a clump of trees and came to a halt.

"Dragons" I exclaimed amazed at the sight of four fully grown, enormous, vicious-looking dragons who were rearing onto their hind legs inside an enclosure fenced with thick planks of wood, roaring and snorting, torrents of fire were shooting into the dark sky from their open, fanged mouths, fifty feet above the ground on their outstretched necks. There was at least thirty wizards, seven or eight to each dragon, were attempting to control them, pulling on the chains connected to heavy leather straps around their necks and legs. "They're amazing" Charlie chuckled beside me.

In love with a Weasley (Charlie Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now