"Rumours are always misleading though, you know." Emma added hurriedly, "It couldn't be possible that he is dating Rose, right Ethan?" She gave him a pointed look.


"Who is Rose?" I asked, confused by their behaviour and also not recognising the name.

Ethan stopped abruptly, causing all us of us to do too. He stared at me as if he couldn't believe I was not able to recognise the name. It was odd. And weird (though I do believe Ethan was a bit weird always).

"You are Domenico King's daughter aren't you? How could you not know Rose?" Mark asked bemused. I stared at him blank. What role did my parentage plays in me knowing the name of some girl who was rumoured to be dating my brother? I was confused.

"Oh come on, Ellena. Isn't by family ties she and her brother are supposed to be your mortal enemies?" Ethan asked. What? Now I was even more confused. Mortal enemy? Family ties? "Rose Con..." Ethan started but trailed off looking at someone behind me with a grimace. I turned to see Antonio, leaning again his car and glaring at us. If looks could kill...

Antonio gestured me to hurry. I sighed.

"It's time to go. Bye!" I said waving at my new friends, who still looked shocked that I didn't know this Rose Con-something, my supposed mortal enemy or something, and reluctantly walking towards Antonio.

"You made us fucking wait." Antonio said sharply.

I was busy discussing rumours mills about your dating life with my friends, brother dear.

It took all my willpower to not blurt those words. Instead I silently climbed into the backseat of the car. My bodyguard closing the door behind without entering. Right. I forgot she won't ride with us. Too bad. She was better than my brothers.

The twins and I had a we-are-estrannged-siblings screaming tension filled car ride all the way to home. I did myself a favour and put earbuds on this time.

Though when Antonio parked the car and I realised the car was still locked, I pulled the earbuds off and stared at them expectantly. This better not become a habit though.

"Remember no fucking snitchin on us." Antonio warned and I mentally rolled my eyes. I understood him the first time. "If Dad asks then you say you sat with us at lunch, got it?"

I nodded.

"Also, no mentioning of Matteo's painting." Antonio ordered.

"Okay." I agreed though I wondered for a second why? I looked at Matteo who wasn't giving us any attention. Maybe because he was skipping his class? I shrugged looking back at Antonio. Never mind, I don't care.

"And especially" Antonio ordered, pointed his index finger at me, "no talking about anything you fucking heard about me." His voice held a warning. Though oddly, he also sounded something like anxious. Not that I knew Antonio enough to guess his emotion but still fishy!

Though did I care? Nope. Not that I was going to talk with anyone about whatever I heard about Antonio? As if I had nothing else to do other than gossip about him. Hmph!

Why did I suddenly feel like a hypocrite though?

Nevermind. Not important.

"Aye!" I gave Antonio a lazy nod and got a glare back for my effort. I think I should inform Antonio that his glares didn't scare me. Also, it was becaming repetitive. Another day though because Antonio considered it end of our conversation/threats and I was not staying long. As soon as Antonio unlocked the door, I made my escape to my room.

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