Chapter 1~ the beginning~

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The world I live in isn't like the wolf world where they problem is the humans. No, we foxes have a king and queen but all they do is sit in peace, eat what us lower foxes harvest, sleep in nice and almost two times bigger beds, and mate like no tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I was a wolf, I'd be in a pack and the word 'pack' sounds nicer then a troop. I guess I should tell you, a female fox is a vixen, a male can be called a dog. For our young, it could be kits, so for the young ones one of them is fine. What am I forgetting, oh yeah! Normally you'd think that a fox's coat is brownish red with a white tip and a black ring around the tip of the tail right?! Well sorry to disappoint you but us foxes can be white, golden or brownish red.

Two types of foxes have a winter coat and those are the Arctic and your wooden fox, the other is a desert fox and that fox has bigger ears then the rest of us.

In our world, we have three kingdoms.

The largest kingdom is the Earth kingdom, with King Zotan and Queen Zula. The Earth kingdom doesn't have white or golden foxes, no its full of common foxes.

The next kingdom is the Sun kingdom, which means this kingdom is in the desert. Fentic foxes lives there and the rulers are King Solem and Queen Laya.

The last kinagdom is the Moon kingdom. King Maserati and Queen Luna rules there. The Moon kingdom is the nicer kingdom out of all three. Oh and if any vixen with a litter of kits, she would have to go to the palace so the King and Queen can look at them, if one of the kits is different and doesn't look like the others, like if there was two kits that were brown and one was golden then the golden kit would be sent to the kingdom of which it looks like, never to be seen by its mother again.

So with that done, this is my story!

White Fox (slow updates) (SirenSinyx = wingsthatfly)Where stories live. Discover now