Don't eat me... please?

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A/n: This was requested by Seth2Stark
Word count: 5343
Basic info: A spiderwidow story that starts with a cliché field trip, just the other way round 😉. Oh, and Midtown high is a college, not school. This story only has the OG avengers (except Thor, sowwy) who are only 3-5 years older than Peter.

"WHYYYYYYYY!" Clint whines to Tony. Why do they have to go on a trip to a college? Aren't colleges supposed to come to them?

"Shut up, Katniss. There is a special someone I'll get y'all to meet. You'll treat him like a younger brother!"

"It doesn't matter. I don't wanna waste my few days of leisure on touring a college!"

"Clint." Natasha gives Clint a disappointed look. "Fine, I'll go."

"Good boy."

Tony, Clint and Nat are going on a trip to this college called 'Midtown high'. Rumour is that the students there are extremely intelligent and considering their 7 year winning streak in decathlon, it's true.

"Hey Nat, you like spidey, don't you?" Steve says, tossing her a comb.

"I don't like him, Steve. I just think he'll be a good guy to work with."

"I didn't say 'that kinda like', I was talking about the friendly kind. The way you like Tony."

Natasha slightly blushes before hiding it, "Who said I liked Tony?"

Tony and Steve smile. Nobody knew who they were gonna meet today.

Time Skip to when they arrive at the college (Hi! My name is skippy!)

The avengers soon arrive at Midtown's doorstep. They were here to give speeches in the assembly and announce the name of the boy who earned the Stark internship.

"Good morning sirs and madam. We welcome you to Midtown high, where the bright minds of Queens study." The principal greets the avengers.

"I am Morita, the headmaster of this college." Mr. Morita says as he leads the avengers inside.

"Just a thought..... Are you related to Jim morita by any chance?" Steve asks and mr.Morita smiles.

"I'm glad to know that you still remember my grandfather."

Steve and Morita shake hands and then continue on their way to the assembly room.

All the students are there, doing random stuff. Somebody is hitting someone with a maths book, someone just slingshotted an eraser and there are aeroplanes flying around.

Tony lifts an eyebrow, is this what a prestigious college full of brilliant children looks like? He then remembers himself in MIT and discards his original thoughts.

None of the kids seemed to pay attention to them, apparently. Everybody was too busy reading, writing, fighting or staring through their souls.

Wait.... staring into their souls?

"Hello avengers. I'm Michelle Jones, a senior student of this college whose aim is to be a journalist. Would you mind answering some of my questions?"

Before any of the avengers or principal could say anything, another girl runs to them, this one had blonde hair and looks more alive.

"Hey avengers! I'm MJ's partner, Betty brant. After you are done with her questions, it would be wonderful if you could answer mine as well!"

Natasha already likes these girls for their confidence. Principal Morita is about to say something when two boys, one chubby and the other with brunette hair come running up to them as well.

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