What's sleep?

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A/n: I got nothing else to say except..... What is sleep?
Word count: 2024 words
Basic info: Everyone lives in the tower, May is alive(yay) and Peter is sleepy.

Tony stark, genius, billionaire, father, philanthropist and a man who probably hasn't slept in weeks.

"Sir, you have not blinked since 3 minutes 42 seconds, not had a break since 2 hours, not rested since 13 hours 5 minutes and not slept soundly since 3 weeks, 6 days, 17 hours and 8 minutes."

Look at that! I was right!

Tony faces the ceiling, "Friday, does it look like I care?"

To that, Friday replies back with sass, "Does it look like I want to tell you that?"
She then adds in a dramatic voice," 'oH mY dEaR bOsS, pLeAsE sLeEp' Nah, I don't have feelings. You are the one who set that reminder."

Tony hits his forehead with a screwdriver, "Why did I let Morgan tamper with her coding again?" He mutters as a remark to Friday's answer.

"You probably did that because you didn't sleep and Morgan did. Sleepy people always depend on the energetic ones." Friday says in a matter-of-fact tone.

Tony sighs as he rethinks whether he should hit his head with that screwdriver again.

"Peter just–"

"Friday, mute." Tony groans before realising the announcement was something about Peter, "Fri, unmute"

"Peter just entered the compound." Friday informs.

"What is Peter doing now?" Tony asks as he wobblily stands up from his chair.

"He seems to be getting ready for school."

"Whats the time?" Tony yawns.

"4 hours past the devil hour."

"What is that now?"

"Its 7 am. You have a meeting with the avengers at 7:30 am."

"Perfect time to sleep!" Tony smiles before accidentally hitting himself with the screwdriver, "Fuck my life."

Half an hour later, Tony is sitting in the common room in his sweats while everyone is settled around him.

This meeting was for deciding who cooks this week since Clint, who was supposed to cook, was assigned a mission by fury with agent mockingbird.

"Sam, you." Bucky points at Sam who was wearing a T-shirt with redwing on it and pants printed with Bucky's metal arms.

"No, you." Sam retorts, looking at Bucky's t-shirt with a metal arm on it and pants printed with redwings.

"You!" Bucky thinks back to his night and then Sam. Boy, that night was magical...

"I said, you!" Sam mentally laughs, hopefully nobody notices that he and Bucky wore the wrong pants. Its hard to wear clothes in the dark.

"You!" Bucky wants his redwing shirt back.

"You!" Sam liked the feeling of Bucky's shirt. He is not going to return it. Bucky tugs at his pants, he didn't want to part with them.

"Alright lovebirds! Both of you go and cook." Natasha claps.

"No!" Both of them say so at the same time. They look at each other and then whine together, "Okay, fine."

Natasha smiles.

All of a sudden, Peter bursts in the room, "I HAVE A HISTORY PROJECT DUE TODAY!" He frantically looks around before his eyes land on Bucky and Steve.

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