Chapter 1

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Lollipop pov:

I wake up early in the morning, with my alarm ringing loudly. "ughh...  Another day of school..." I grunt and sat up my bed, standing up i walked downstairs and made myself some breakfast, pancakes.

Its was 6:10. 50 minutes to get ready and eat some food.

After cooking, i ate the pancakes, i put some syrup on it to make it even better.

After eating, i went to the bathroom and started to do my thing, shower.

After showering, i go in the dressing room and put on my school uniform, it was cold outside so ofcourse i had to wear a jacket!

I put on my jacket. It was 6:30. "Oh no, i hope i dont miss the bus this time!"

Luckily I didnt.

The bus got stopped on my home, i packed my lunch quickly before closing my home.

I put the keys on my bag, locking the door and closing it. I quickly got on the bus before it left.

At school

I made it to school, 10 minutes before my class starts right now. My first period was math, i sighed thinking "math? I thought my first period was science! Did they change it??"

At math class.

I sat on my seat before the bell rang. Everyone flew into the class and sat on there seat,

The teacher entered, "Good morning!" We all said, standing up. The teacher offered us to sit down.

"Alright so class, we have a new student! Please welcome, Flower. She just enrolled in this school, she please be nice to her, Flower, you can go sit next to lollipop, the girl with purple hair in the middle row."

As that, flower sat next to me, the lesson started. "This is boring..." I said to my head, i put my head down, falling asleep half of the lesson.

After the bell rang everyone said theyre goodbyes, everyone headed off to theyre next class. mine was science.

I got to science class as the bell rang. Looks like the teacher was late though.

Flower sat next to me,

"Hey! Whats ur name?" She asked me

"Oh... My names Lollipop, im guessing urs is... Flower?" I said.

"Yes!" She said.

"Nice to meet you, Flower~" i said.

"Nice to meet you too, Lollipop." She responded with.

The teacher finally arrived to class. Everyone got quiet, stood up and said theyre good mornings,

"Good morning everyone. Today theres a new student joining our class." She said abit strictly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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