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                 "Skin the sun, fall asleep"

IT WAS the day before the start of school, the gang sat in a circle in the basement.

"Aren't you guys excited!" Nikki smiled.

We all shot her a glare before stating no.

"Cmon guys! It's our junior year!" She clapped her hands together.

This didn't change the excitement level.

I looked up at Jay and moved his hair out of his face, "At least we get to go to school together."

I watched his face light up.

"You're right! I am so happy You're staying." He smiled.

"Me too!"

I PUT ON a pair of baggy jeans and a white short sleeve crop top, to tie it all together I wrapped one of jays flannels around my waist.

I left my hair down and made a small braid on each side of my head.

Grabbing my school bag and yelling Leia's name and we made our way downstairs.

"Are you scared?" Leia looked at me.

I nodded my head with an anxious smile.

"Happy first day girls!" My mom smiled while standing next to my dad.

After being told we could stay It took a while to finally find a place to permanently stay. We were almost done with the paper work and we could officially move in to a house a street down from my grandparents.

But for now we were all crammed in for a weeks. I didn't mind it I got to see my grandparents and my parents.

"Good morning mom." Leia replied.

"Morning!" I smiled.

"Your friends are in the basement waiting for you girls. Have a fun first day." My dad smiled while handing us each a muffin.

We smiled and went downstairs.

I walked over to Jay while waving at the group, once I reached him I wrapped my arms around him.

I let go and smiled at Jay, he smiled back, "Nice flannel."

I blushed while shaking my head.

"Seriously though, you look really pretty." He smiled.

"Thanks Jay. You too, that sweater looks nice on you." I spoke while placing my hands on his waist and leaning in for a kiss.

He quickly leaned back and I felt those same butterflies enter my stomach.

I pulled back and let out a giggle, his face softened and I sank in his eyes.


"You can wear it anytime you like." He spoke.

I furrowed my eye brows.

"The sweater?" He smirked.

"Oh yeah." I mumbled still being lost in his eyes.

Jays chuckle broke me out of my trance and I felt my cheeks flush.

"You're adorable." He smiled  while placing my hair behind my ear.

I lightly shoved him with a smile and walked over to the rest of the group, Jay following.

"Ready?" Nikki asked with a grin.

We all said our own versions of yes and walked out the door.

We got into Nate's van and drove to school.

Jay grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over mine.

"You nervous?" He raised an eye brow.

"A bit." I sucked in my teeth.

"Don't be. You got me." He let out a smile.

"Thanks Jay." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"We're here!" Nikki exclaimed.

I removed my head from Jay and we got out.

I was face to face with point place Highschool.

I could feel the pit in my stomach grow.

"Let's go to the office to get our schedules?" Gwen suggested to the group.

We all agreed and walked to towards the main office.

As I stood in front of the gray haired lady I felt my fingers tremble.

"Name."she bitterly spoke.

"Luna Forman." I stated.

"Grade." She asked again.

"10." I spoke.

"Next." She spoke while handing me a piece of paper.

I had science , history , Art, English and PE.
I wasn't upset, it was a fair schedule.

I waited at the side for everyone to get their papers.

"Let's compare?" Jay walked over to me.

He had Math, history, science, carpentry and PE.

We shared two classes together.
I was glad, I dont know what I'd do without Jay in at least one class of mine.

The rest of the group walked over and I found out that I shared science with Nikki and Ozzie  and Art with Leia and English with Nate and Gwen.

I was so glad I had classes with everyone.

We looked at the top to see our home room teachers and lucky enough I was with Nikki and Gwen.

"We should get going! I don't want to miss out on picking the perfect desk." Nikki smiled with excitement.

Gwen and I nodded and I looked over at Jay.

"See you in a few hours." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Cant wait." He smiled back.

I walked with Gwen and Nikki to our home room watching Nikki's steps have a skip to them.

Our home room class was nice, there was a big window with an array of seats and we made our way over to them. I sat by the window with Gwen beside me and Nikki in front of me.

There were prints of famous authors and their most known quotes on the walls. Along with a few plants arranged around the room.

It was homey.

"Not to bad." Gwen smiled.

"Not at all." I replied.

"Yeah I really like it." Nikki added.


"SO HOW was your morning?" Jay smiled while we sat in the history classroom.

"It was nice. Homeroom is really good I like the teacher too, science was alright we already took some notes. How was yours?"

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Mine was nice too. Homeroom is great I'm glad I have Ozzie. Math was alright we didn't start anything just did review." He spoke.

I nodded with a smile.

"Y'know I'm really glad you're here Luna." He spoke shyly.

My lips tugged into a smile and I reached to move some of his hair out of his eyes.

"I wouldn't be happy anywhere else." I spoke back.

I watched as his gaze softened and his smile reached his ears.


Hi guys! I am sooo sorry for such a lack of updates. I started back up at school last week and I've been busy. I'll try and update more frequently but I've been swamped with schoolwork. I love you guys so much and thank you sm for reading and voting. Muwah 🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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Mesmerizing   - Jay Kelso Where stories live. Discover now