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"Soothing burn, wake me up"

"LUNA just take the picture!" Nikki exclaimed.

"My eyes are burning I need to blink."Gwen added.

"There's only 24 pictures on this camera, and I don't want to waste any of them." I explained.

My finger slipped and accidentally took a photo.

"23! I just took one of Ozzie's butt..."

"Send me a copy, I can never get a good angle."

"Why don't I take the pictures?" Nikki suggested.

"Ok! Sure but try and make me look really cool." I replied.

"It's only a camera Luna."

"Ready to party! I got the keg Jays got the snacks!" Nate exclaimed while walking in the basement.

"Dude it's Leia and Lunas last night and you brought that nasty keg from July." Gwen spoke with a frown.

"I took care of this like it was my baby." Nate pouted.

"Till I dropped it down the stairs..." he continued.

"Just like mom did. to you?" Gwen joked.

"BURNNNNN!" Jay exclaimed.

I let out a laugh, everyone else did too except Nate.

"Old, flat, skunky beer we are not this desperate." Gwen spoke.

"I think I'm a really good dancer!" Leia giggled.

"Me too!" I replied with a high five.

"It's your guys' last day so sure!" Nikki smiled.

I watched as Jay stood up from the couch and made his way to me.

I put down my cup and put my hands around his neck.

He grabbed my waist and we started to dance together.

He bent down to kiss my forehead.

"I'm really glad I met you Luna." He smiled.

"Me too." I hugged him.

"You're my favourite person." I mumbled in his chest.

He lightly pushed me off to look into my eyes.

"Really?" His voice cracking.

I nodded my head with a grin.

"Good. Because you're mine too." He smiled.

I heard a click and looked over a Nikki holding the camera, she sent me a wink and I smiled.

"Luna come over here?" Leia waved me over.

"I'll be right back." I kissed jays cheek.

"I'll be right here when you get back." He smiled.

My heart dropped.

Was this what tomorrow was going to look like.

I walked over to Leia and she pulled us to the back of the basement.

"I've been doing some thinking, I know it would be our dream to stay here right? Enrol in Highschool here? What if we proposed it?" Leia asked.

Mesmerizing   - Jay Kelso Where stories live. Discover now