Chapter XVI: Aetherian Secret

Start from the beginning

He can't help but feel as though he just used the wrong pronouns for a moment.


He'll just refer to them as a They/Them for the time being then. Until he knows for sure actually. Anyways- after a long while, he noticed that the file was finished downloading and that he was still unable to find anything regarding Theseus Aether. Which is very unfortunate, he was hoping to not go down to the archives, but guess luck wasn't on his side at all really.

With a sigh, they disconnected the USB and hid it in their pocket.

"Orthen? What are you doing?" Said person squeal in surprised, falling off the chair, they scrambled to sit up and fixed there glasses to see who it was that spook them- only to sighed in relief to see that it was just Lieutenant Samuel-


He immediately scrambled to stand up and salute. "Lieutenant Samuel Sir!" He immediately greeted, sweating profusely, tense and afraid of the shouting he might just get. Unexpectedly, the lieutenant did not scold him or anything. He just looks concerned instead. "Uhh, Orthen? You okay man? You look like you're ready to get yelled at or something?" He asked with a concerned tone, Orthen was stunned, then quickly waved it off with a nervous chuckle. "Hehe...Don't, uh, worry about it Lieutenant Samuel." He answered with a nervous smile.

Samuel narrowed his dual colored eyes, quite concerned to say the least.

He normally never saw Orthen act so skittish around him, he would normally act normal around him. He missed the soft smile the petite male before him would always give him. Before they both were raised to a higher rank. Almost as if he was sensing his thoughts- Orthen kicked him where it would very much hurt.

"Whatever you're thinking, you better not think I'm weak and fragile! I'm not a female anymore you know." Orthen scolded with a glare, Samuel smiled sheepishly as barely managed to handle the pain. He keeps forgetting just how strong he can be at times- it's almost scary really. "Sorry sorry, I won't I promise- but um, what exactly are you doing here? I would have thought you would be helping the Commander with the files and what not?" He questioned, Orthen was silent, contemplating an answer to give without giving much away.

"Well, I can't really say since this was a personal order from the commander..." They trailed off, Samuel perked up at the answer- surprised evident on their face as they did not expect such a thing. "Really? I'm surprised he would tell us such a thing at all. Despite knowing our past of being reincarnated." Samuel commented with interest yet confusion. Orthen huffed, he wasn't sure either, but it was indeed confusing.

"Right- ! Sammy! Can you help me get into the archives? I need to find whatever information I can for the commander." Orthen pleaded- almost forgetting of their task at hand, Samuel stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "'Sammy' huh? That's a new nickname Orie~" Samuel commented with a smirk,

Orthen blushed- kicked him again where it hurts out of flustered anger. "SAM! WE'RE AT WORK! KEEP THE FLIRTS WHEN WE'RE AT HOME!" Orthen shouted and scolded- everyone that was in the room with them all just watched them with happy amusement. All happy to see Orthen be his old self again around Lieutenant Samuel.

They all did like the happy energy they give, it always makes the place so much more bearable really.

Samuel smiles and pat Orthen's head. "Anyways, come on. You said you needed access to the archives right?" He asked as he headed out of the room- Orthen sputtered and quickly scrambled after him, there were times when he wished he wasn't shorter than him. As always, unfortunately.

Everyone that was left in the room all stared at the door frame.

"Who wants to bet that Samuel will ask Orthen their hand in marriage at the Winter Festival?"


The Commander looked through his desk in his office, searching for something very important. He knows he has it, yet he could not find it so easily. He did not care for the mess he had left on the desk- he was focused on one task. Searching for the papers he needed. Specifically, a photo of his family.

Eventually, he found the photo. The last photo he took with his family a few years ago, just before he had left and back when his younger sister was simply just in her last year of middle school. He took out a photo of Theseus he had asked for recently and compared the two-

They were the same person.

His sister is Theseus.

What had happened to them after he left?


Samuel hums casually as he and Orthen arrive at the archives entrance, Orthen looks at Samuel, expecting him to open the door since he did not have the keycard to do such a thing. With a slight chuckle, Samuel patted his head and opened the door with the keycard. They were very lucky to find that there was no one else in the archives, so it made it all the more easier for them to get whatever is needed quietly.

With the archives open now, Orthen immediately went inside and searched for answers, well, more like information he needed to find on Theseus Aether. Fortunately for them, they managed to find the answers they needed, unfortunately, it was disturbing information. Once he had gathered it all on the USB he had stored it in before, he walked over to Samuel and immediately hugged him tightly.

Samuel was concerned by his action and hugged back, concerned and worried evident on his face. "What's wrong Orthen?" He asked, but his response was a weak whine. With not much to do, he softly sighed and picked him up bridal style- Orthen held onto him, still upset from the things he had learned. Samuel carried them to their room, ignoring the questioning, glares and concerned stares from the people he passed by.

He supposed he could ask the commander if they could have a week off for the time being.


Report Log #[Redacted]]

Commander Kruzen, we have destroyed and imprisoned the people of Kinoko Village just as you ordered us to. We have also discovered that Commander Gyze Aether's family was here as well. However, despite the specific orders to cause no harm to them, it seems as though a few of the defective have killed the parents and left the youngest alone. Do you wish for me to send them to the organization alongside the rest of the prisoners?

Sincerely, Captain Krysten R. Ky'loran


The Commander choked back a sob, reviewing the information that Lieutenant Samuel had given him for Orthen who had fallen unwell. He couldn't understand why this had to happen to his family. All this time, there was corruption right under him and he had never known. Not even Orthen knew, despite also getting orders from the High commissioner. Yet, at the same time, he has to truly know.

To know if his Sister- no, Brother, was alive and well.

"Lieutenant Samuel, I am going to search for my brother."The commander suddenly said, startled Samuel. "Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly, the commander nodded. "Yes Sam. I am sure I need to find my brother. As well as uncover more information that The Organization had been doing behind the scenes. Behind the cover of the army." He told him seriously, Samuel stared at him for a few moments, analyzing his face to confirm his words, then nodded.

"Very well then. Gyze Aether."


They huffed, watching them with pity. They felt bad, but they didn't really have much to say against it, the strings of faith are a fragile thing after all. With a slight smile, they went to write their message.

Dear Lord Aru,

It seems as though all the puzzle pieces are slowly falling into place. Just as you predicted. It's unfortunate that Gyze Aether had to learn the unfortunate news of his family, was it truly necessary for his family to be gone? I suppose their death was out of your sight. There have been times like that, that was not part of your visions you were granted from the realm. Alas, I have no say in the things that occur, unfortunately, however, do you still want me to trail your son friend group? I heard they are going to the Endritch Kingdom Ball.

Sincerely, The Sixth Guardian Angel of Death: Lament

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