Chapter III: Family

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"Nephews???" Iron questioned, confused and surprised still, he didn't know who this person was.

Well, said person looks to be in his late twenties, has long raven black hair that is tied into a simple low ponytail, Fair peach skin, his left eye is a blood red and the other is an ocean blue. He also wore simple black glasses, Pale, yet dark electric blue wool coat with white fur on the outline of the hood, pale silver-blue cotton tunic, dark metallic purple trousers, black combat boots and black gloves.

"Well, you wouldn't know who I am as I have only seen you both when you both were just mere hatchlings, but let me formally introduce myself." The person smirks, catching the confusion on Iron face. "I am AruIzLost, The God of Death and Void, as well as the older twin brother of the Goddess of Reality and Dreams, as well as the younger brother of the Goddess of Silk and Fate and freewill." The person, AruIzLost, Aru for short, introduced, seeing the very shocked look on Iron face.

"YOUR THAT ARUIZLOST THAT GRANDMA CLAIRE TOLD ME A LOT ABOUT?" Iron shouted in complete shock, accidentally startling Kyven awake who is very confused by the events that's happening. Aru nodded, confirming that he is in fact the very same person. "Yep, Claire was my favorite niece, she reminds me a lot like her mother after all. Although...she gained my deathly ways of being scary if she wants to..." Aru said, reminiscing the fond memories.

And some bad memories of when his sister smacked him for the stupidity he does...

Well. For trying to kill her mortal husband at least.

"U-um...Aru, right?" Kyven asked, now standing on his own and slightly hiding behind Iron, clinging onto him, clearly scared. "You said you're our u-um, uncle right?" Kyven asked, Aru nodded. "Yes, I am your uncle. Kyven, your mother and I are twins, we know each other well. Heck, I wanted to kill your father cause I didn't trust him to keep your mother happy." Aru sheepishly answered, rubbing the back of his head.

Kyven sweat a little, not that surprised by that bit of information. His father told him that his uncle almost killed him a few times...Which is saying something as he also fears him as well.

"Do you know if they're okay? I know that reality itself had a crisis a couple of years ago." Iron asked cautiously, Aru was silent, walking down the stairs, walking to them. He was clearly tall for a guy as him, he is after all, just around 6'3.

"I'm...aware of the crisis from so long ago. I was actually there when it had occurred...It was...soon after you were born, Kyven." Aru softly, gently holding Kyven's face, looking at his sparkling red and blue eyes. It reminded him so much like his sister...

A sister he can't see...

"So Uhh, Aru?" Iron suddenly asked, looking slightly uncomfortable, much to Aru and Kyven worried confusion. "Yes?" "Is there a large empty room?" "Yes, it's up the stairs, down the hall, to the left and there should be a door-" Aru didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as Iron instantly bolted. Heading to the empty room.

Leaving behind a dumbfounded Aru and Kyven.

Until Aru realized the reasoning for Iron's sudden action.

"Uncle Aru? What was wrong with Iron?" Kyven innocently asked, Aru started sweating somewhat, hoping to not ever tell him until he's older. So he patted his head. "Don't worry, it's just a, uhh, something you don't need to worry about until you're older alright?" Aru instead told him, Kyven was still confused, but accepted the answer nonetheless.

It was a slightly awkward silence...Until Aru broke the silence. "Want to hear stories about your parents?" Aru asked, seeing how Kyven's face lit up, he nodded, really excited and happy. He really wanted to know more about his parents after all.


Time had passed by, it was already turning twilight.

However, more surprises come after that. Aru's wife and childrens were returning home after having to do some traveling for...the mother side of the family. Anyways, when Aru had Kyven meet with them, he was astonished.

Aru's wife, Kina, was quite beautiful. Her hair was a pale turquoise, almost white long fluffy looking hair that ends at her knees, fair peach skin, sharp blue eyes, simple yet flowing pale blue silk dress that fades to a more sky blue color, a simple cotton silk silver cloak with fur on the outline of the hood. Oh and they had nine fluffy white foxes tails and fluffy white fox ears.

To any mortal, she's beautiful, yet to everyone else, she is known to be claimed by the God of Death and Void, AruIzLost.

However, the two childrens with her look similar to both parents. The eldest, a male, has short fluffy white hair, fair skin, eyes similar to his fathers, fox ears and tails like his mother, a simple black hoodie, metallic purple trousers, dark gray boots and a necklace with his father's crest on it. This child is named Azen Void Alchemist.

The second child, a young female, has silky black, yet long hair that falls down to her waist, fair skin, eyes similar to her mother, simple lavender purple cotton silk dress, white leather boots and a simple black ribbon wrapped around their waist. This child is named Yulie alchemist.

"Dear? Who is this child?" Kina asked, looking at Kuyven curiously, Aru softly smiled. "This is simply my twin sister, the only child of her and her husband's blood. I do not know what had happened to them, but I do know that he's searching for my dear sister. Alongside him is my elder sister's great...something... grandchild. " Aru explained simply, Kina was surprised, walking over to check over Kyven, like a mother would for a child.

Just to make sure that they are alright.

Seeing as he was fine, she let him be. "Well, he seems to be alright, nothing wrong from what I can see and sense. However, why is he here if he's only just ten moons old?" Kina instead asked, Aru shrugged, he was unsure. "I'm not entirely sure yet. He wouldn't tell me and I would assume that Iron would know." He answered, Kina looked confused, not knowing who Iron was.

(Note: Moons cycles are sometimes used to determine a godling age, alongside eclipse being used to determined the age as well)

Although, while the two were speaking with one another, the childrens had wandered back into the temple like home and simply did what any childrens would do. Play games and have fun. Almost as if, they were free from the conflicts that the word had wished to harm, but could not.

Meanwhile...isolated in a room, deep within the home...lay Iron, who turned the empty room into a scorching fire and a nest. Thankfully, the whole place was fire resistance and would not sustain damages from any form of fire. However, within the nest made of blankets that was all in the room, there own feathers that he had shed when he had preen himself.

Was Iron himself, in his phoenix form, looking strangely similar to a chicken in his passive phoenix form, quite fluffy and soft looking, also a wonderful shade of silver with small almost unnoticed hints of stars scattered on him, making him look even more mesmerizing.

And he was sleeping quite comfortably without too much care in the world. 

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