"Fine, but just stay still and inhale." I nodded. We got closer, all but an inch separated out lips and he took a drag and blew the smoke in my mouth as I inhaled. I felt like coughing instantly but I surpassed that urge and I just deep breathed, feeling the smoke travel all throughout my body.

"Not, bad, I just don't think I'll be doing that regularly."


"On occasion of course."

"No." We sat, staring at each other, and all of a sudden I was very aware of how close we were. How he was shirtless. I glanced down at him briefly, taking him in, and the strangest thing happened further down from my stomach. I looked away and crossed my legs, contemplating what just happened. 

I looked back at him and thought of something. 

"One more time and then that's it."

"Just so that you stop talking about this," he said and inhaled, getting close to me. I know he said not to move, but I got closer, feeling the warmth emanating off of his lips. I realised I was getting turned on. Which was the first time this has ever happened with Cohen. I was contemplating a lot more now. 

He moved back as soon as we finished still looking down at me. He butt out the cigarette and faced me.

I looked up at him now, through different eyes. His face was so defined and sharp, I always thought it was intimidating. But right now he looked so harmless. His hair was always so messy but suited him and I got the sudden urge to run my fingers through it. His eyes... well, I've always loved his eyes. 

He turned his head away hastily, "why did you look at me that way?"

"What do you mean?"

"You looked at like- like- I don't know. It was different." 

"I know it was different, because I'm seeing you different," I said softly. He got up from the bed.

"What are you doing? You said- you said that you didn't feel that way. Why is it different now?"

"I don't know it just is."

"No, don't say things like that. Because once you say it back to me, then there's no stopping it."

"What if I told you that I may have feelings for you?"

"Luce, no, you don't mean it."

"I do. I've had time to think, and I've thought over our time together this past month, I'm sure." He walked around to my side of the bed. 

"You've done it now."

"I have," I said, and he nodded, leaning down to me and coming on the bed. 

"You say 'stop' if something is uncomfortable." I nodded and he paused looking up at me.

"I will say stop if I'm uncomfortable." He continued coming on top of me. Whatever was happening seemed to fit. It felt good. It felt right. 

"So you like me huh," he teased seductively. He was on top of me now, our faces inches apart. 

"Couldn't resist you I suppose," I replied. 

With that he leaned down slowly and met his lips with mine. For a moment we just felt our lips on one another and then began kissing. His taste fit with mine and after a moment or so I couldn't get enough of him. 

Fireworks were being let off in my brain and my hands snaked from his waist and up to his hair. He broke the kiss to meet my eyes. 

"Do that again," he said and I slowly brought my hands back down to his waist and brought them up slowly. He closed his eyes and I lifted myself so that I could meet his lips. It was the most carnal kiss I've ever experienced, and every time he broke it I wanted him again. 

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