"Are you kidding me? 'I was naive and dumb'. It literally happened six months ago, it's not even been up to a year and you're acting like it's been years since we've broken up!"

"If you're sorry that we broke up, you should've never cheated instead of coming to me months later saying you're sorry for something you did a long time ago. Something that you didn't even apologize for the day when we first broke up." 

I was so aggravated I don't even know how I kept my composure. Two years of my life down the drain and if she thinks that I haven't learnt my lesson she's very funny.

Once a cheater always a cheater. That's how the saying goes, right? I'd be a fool to trust her again and I'm not about to be a fool to no one. If she thinks that I'm going to fall into her little trap she's going to get the shock of her life, not everyone is her little puppet that she can just control whenever she wants.

I sighed. "Brielle, you can't just come back to me asking for us to get back together especially after what you did," I paused, "it'll be better if we just remained strangers, okay?"

All I got in response was a slight nod before she walked out of the room leaving me there alone.


I searched every possible place I thought that Juliette could be during lunch; the cafeteria, the classrooms, the bathroom; no, I did not enter I just asked someone to see if she was there. Everywhere, but I couldn't find her until I stumbled into the library.

She likes reading right? She's bound to be here. I thought to myself as I walked around the library searching for her.

Like the heavens were on my side there she was on her tippy toes, her hand in the air, as she tries to reach for a book on the top of the shelf. 

Amused, I stood there for a while—my hand playing with the silver rings on my fingers—before I tread slowly towards her, so she won't hear me coming. I then grabbed the book that she couldn't reach for. 

"Hey!" she whisper-shouted as she turned around. That's when I realized that our bodies, we're inches away from each other. Our noses almost touching. Red could be seen slowly creeping up on her neck as her cheeks turn a bright pink. Almost the colour of the pink lace tied into a bow in her hair.

She stumbles back a little, as her head hits the bookcase behind it. Flustered, she looks away from me, avoiding my gaze she starts fiddling with the sleeves of her sweater.

"Are you blushing?" I smirked; I couldn't help but be entertained by this petite blonde standing in front of me.

"N-no," she stammered, looking back at me.

Knox was wrong. He always told me that her eyes were dark green, like the forest green. Her eyes aren't dark green. No, they're more of a lighter shade of green—lime probably—with hints of yellow in them; like gold. They're kind of pretty if I might add.

"Can you please give me back the book?" she asked, her voice stronger now, but the blush still apparent on her face as she breaks eye contact.

"Oh, you mean this book?" I start swinging the book by her side, then stopped.

"Yes, that book," she huffed, crossing her arms around her chest.

Her rose scented perfume is filling up my lungs; it's all around me. Coating me in its flowery aroma. I'm probably going crazy.

With a small sigh, she broke eye contact first. Taking both her hands, she settles them on my chest, brushing them slightly against my torso. Before giving me the light shove back, making me stumble back.

"Dean, if you're here to continue to play wingman, I'm not interested. I've already made up my mind on not going on the 'date' with Knox, so save your breath. Give me back the book and leave me alone. You've always done that, so it's nothing new," she said, muttering the last part.

Choosing to ignore her previous statement. "Come down, I'm not here to force you to go on any stupid date. What you and Knox do is clearly not my business. . . all I want is for you to be my tutor."

". . . I'm sorry your what?" 

"I want you to be my tutor," I mutter again.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you, what did you say?"

"I said I want you to be my tutor, because I failed my English test. And I know, for a fact that if I left this matter to be in my own hands, there will be no way I'll be passing the make-up," I apprised her much louder than before. "So please, please be my tutor. You're one of the smartest people in this school, and it'll mean a lot to me."

At first, she stared at me blankly. I suppose not knowing what to say or probably replaying this exact scenario in her head trying to figure out what to do.

She then removed her glasses from her eyes. Bringing it down to her sweater, as she wiped it clean. When she was done, she places it back on the bridge of her nose.

Clearing her throat. "You need a tutor to help you study, that I understand. But what I don't get is, out of all the people in this school, you came to me. That leaves me a little bit puzzled."

"You were the first person that came into mind," I replied meekly, taking my free hand and brushing it through my shaggy mess of hair, that obviously needs a haircut.

She nods her head once, before taking in a huge breath. "Fine. I'll be your tutor."


"Yeah," she smiles.

"Great, that's amazing. Can I get your number? I don't have it on my phone," I said while patting down all my pockets, trying to see if my phone so happens to be on me. " Yep, don't have it on me. Do you have a piece of paper on you or something?"

That's when she walked over to a nearby table, where I assume she must've been sitting, before she decided to stand up and get a book.

She picks up her bag and opens it a little. Using one of her hands to fidget inside it, presumably trying to find a book to tear a piece of paper out of. Instead, she brought out a stack of pink sticky notes, with a black pen. 

She scribbles something on it. When she's done, she tears the paper, and then walks over to me, and held out her hand for me to take the paper. I gratefully took it, reading the contents before grinning and tucking it inside my back jean pocket.

"Thanks, I'll text you when I get back home. Let's say around eight?"

"Yeah, eight's fine," she says nervously, her hand going up and playing with the dangling ribbon in her hair.

"Cool, I'll see you later then," I handed her the book and walked out of the library.

When I stepped out of the library, I went straight to the cafeteria. Figured I still needed food in my system to function for the remainder of the day.


hope you guys are having an amazing day.

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