SIXTEEN: "Are You Painting Or Are You Staring?"

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Vineya sat on the beach, the sun shining down brightly. She was sitting with Tsireya and Kirri, who were focusing on their shells.

Vineya was teaching them how to paint designs in the shells. Tsireya had a medium sized blue shell, And Kirri had a larger green shell. While Vineya was making Ronals hanging shells.

She put various colors of shells on string, and tied it to a piece of a branch. She was almost done poking holes on the last of the shells, so that she could string them through.

She looked up from what she was doing and saw that Kirri was painting little vines on it. Tsireya was making pink flowers. Vineya smiled to herself, she liked how painting on shells could show how their personalities were quite different.

All of the girls looked up this time, To Loak and Neteyems footsteps in the sand. "What are you guys doing?" Neteyem bent down.

"I am teaching them how to paint in shells." Vineya explained, Loak and Neteyem looked interested.
"Come here loak, i can show you." Tsireya offered.

"Come sit." Vineya Patted the sand next to her, for Neteyem. Kirri groaned throwing her head back in annoyance. Vineya laughed.

Vineya had reached in her bag and taken two shells out, a purple one for loak and then a pink one for Neteyem. "Tsireya will show you." She gestured to Loak.

"Will you teach me?" Neteyem asked. "no" Vineya replied, taking her own paints and giving Neteyem a handmade paint brush from her bag.

Vineya turned to Neteyem, who was smiling but still slightly confused. "I am joking, Skxwang." She shook her head. "You'll want to use this." She gestured to the paintbrush in his hand. "Dip it in the paints and just go with whatever you want."

Neteyem nodded, understanding. Neteyem had decided to grab the deep blue color, like her eyes. He looked at her side profile, as she stared down, very concentrated, on her string and shells.

He studied the patterns on her skin. He copied them down with the color of her eyes. He kept looking back up to her, who was still very concentrated. He could hear the distant laughs of Tsireya and Loak, and Kirris silent scoffs.

His ears were blocking out any other sound, besides Vineya slow breathing. He stared at her face from the side, she looked elegant.

Vineya had felt eyes on her, as she turned to Neteyem she stared him down. Attempting not to smile. "Are you painting or are you staring?" she whispered. Neteyem smiled lopsided as he turned back to his shell.

They all walked back up the beach, with her supplies in her bag. They all had their shells in hand, they were still drying. Vineya had felt accomplished because she finished her hanging shells for Ronal. And Neteyem, who was really too busy staring at Vineya, had also surprisingly  finished his shell.

"Hey Kirri." Vineya hung on her shoulders. "yes?"
"We can swim tomorrow, with us and Tsireya and Tuk. Just us girls." Vineya had felt bad since the boys interrupted, Kirri just wanted some time alone with them. "Sure." Kirri smiled

Neteyem would show his shell to her tonight, when they went to the secret beach.


ngl i really liked this idea, even though it's not even that much tbh
This is really just fill in chapters but we'll get to the real stuff soon 🤭



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