You're Mine, and I'm Never Letting you Go

Start from the beginning

Jake gripped Drew, both sitting on his bed as they kissed. Drew's hands slid up to Jake's neck. They wrapped around him. Jake's face was red, and Drew's was pink as the kisses got more passionate. Not heated, just passionate. Like they could feel how much they loved the other with every cell in their body. "Drew, I love you." Jake huffed, and Drew smiled. "I love you too." He said. "So, now what? Do you wanna watch a movie?" Jake asked, and Drew leaned close. "Food and a movie sounds perfect right now." He grinned.

Jake was laying on Drew's arm. He'd turned the T.V off after Drew had fallen asleep. Now, it was time for some cuddling. Drew's breaths were soft, and his skin was warm. His hair was already a little messy. He didn't seem to mind Jake snuggling, so Jake just burrowed himself into Drew's neck. A snore escapes Drew's lips, and Jake smiles. He was so comfortable. He loved snuggling, and this was so heavenly. Drew didn't move an inch. He stayed in the same spot, smiling in his sleep. A hand goes over Jake's back and rubs it.

Drew opened his eyes to feel Jake, looking down to see him burrowed into his shoulder. Drew sat up slowly, moving Jake's still resting form off to the side. He kisses Jake's forehead before getting up to get dressed. He had to pick up Fiona at noon. It was eight in the morning.

Jake was up not long after Drew, grabbing Drew by the waist to snuggle for longer as Drew made them both breakfast. "Mornin." Jake murmured. "Good morning." Drew chirped. He was so happy. After a good night's sleep, he felt refreshed and giddy. He wanted to share a nice breakfast before leaving to go get Fiona.

Jake was much more interested in Drew than the food. Staring at Drew with big heart eyes as Drew ate, oblivious. Jake pecked his cheek, and Drew grinned. "Jake, I made this for you, eat." He said, and Jake paid some attention to his own food, but as soon as the plate was empty. It was back to mindlessly kissing Drew's face. All over, he planted nice, soothing little kisses.

"I have to go get Fiona." Drew said, pushing Jake's legs off his lap. "No!" Jake said, grabbing Drew. "Jake, I want to see my daughter, and you need to go pick up Mason!" Jake pouts as Drew gets an idea.

"Well, hey, how about we have a get together. At my place tomorrow night, we can have a barbecue. My family would love to have you and Mason over." Drew said. "Really?" Jake asked.

"Sure, I love you, Jake. See you tomorrow? At six, okay?" Drew said, and Jake nodded.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jake said, hugging himself.

A/N: Sorry for the break, but I've had a lot going on. Next chapter will be the last. I'm super excited to write it. It should be out sometime within the next week (Given that nothing crazy happens). Love you all!

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