Missing Him

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Drew stares out his window for the millionth time. He was supposed to be working but found he was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he wasn't even trying. David had nagged him twice to quit daydreaming, but Drew knew that's all he could do. Jake left the previous day for that tour and Drew was still so upset. He was feeling better now, it was still hard to eat though. Now, he missed his friend. Jake had taken up a lot of his time lately and he hadn't even noticed.

David nudges his son's head for the third time. "Please work, you've still got two hours before you can go home." Drew sighed. "I know, it's hard but you need to work." David smiled, kissing Drew's hair and making embarrassing smooching sounds. "Dad, stop! I'm not five!" Drew hissed and his coworker laughed. Roby always found ways to embarrass him. Roby was David's childhood friend, and the two were like brothers. Roby still treats Drew like a kid, despite Drew being in his twenties. "Aww, don't worry kiddo, nothing to be ashamed of." Drew's blush deepens and David and Roby burst out laughing. "Aww, so cute!" Roby smirked and Drew just turned to his desk. "I'll work if you stop." he offered, and David walked away. Drew was barely able to focus, but he did manage to work until closing time. Drew walked out with David and Roby, and David smirked. "So, Derek tells me you and Jake are getting very close." he teases his son, who blushes a little at the mention and groans. "Tell Derek to quit nosing around." he grumbles. Roby smiled. "A boy with a crush. No wonder you've been so distracted today. Your mind is on your precious Jake." Drew groans and sighs. "Quit teasing me and treating me like a kid!" he complains causing both adults to laugh. 

Drew hopped in his car and sighed. A crush? Was this a crush? It'd been so long since he'd even felt butterflies. Zoey never gave him butterflies anymore so he didn't remember. This feeling left him feeling light as air. Just the other night he'd dreamt of Jake. It was wonderful. Drew dreamt Jake was holding him tightly. A protective embrace. He'd woke up fuzzy and warm the next morning, the dream keeping him happy all night long.

Roby and David both pulled into the house with Drew, and they all walked in, Drew dwelling on whether or not he had a crush on Jake. These feelings were overwhelming and confusing. He was just overall baffled. Yes, he'd been clingy to Jake recently. Drew had figured that was just because he'd missed Jake dearly and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible to make up for lost time. He'd blushed a couple of times and dreamt of him some, but he didn't think anything of it. Besides, no matter how much he'd deny it, he was still Hella in love with Zoey. Even if he did like Jake, he would feel wrong getting into a relationship whilst still loving another. Roby knocked on Drew's car window, smirking at his distant expression. "Are you overthinking something, little Drew?" He asked and Drew got out of the car and slammed the door shut, gripping his keys. "I'm not overthinking anything." Drew huffed and Roby smiled. "Right, and I'm not Roby." he retorts, and David runs a hand through Drew's hair. "Your mind is distracted; you've barely focused all day. Are you sure it's nothing?" David stares at Drew who pushes the hand away. "I'm fine. I'm going to call Fiona now." he said and pulled out his phone. David and Roby shared worried glances and Roby smiled nervously. "I wanna stay over tonight, David." he said, his blue eyes shining. "Sure, why not?" David said, his brown eyes twinkling with excitement right back. 

Drew walked inside after talking with Fiona and he was smiling. He was tired, very sluggish but happy. He hated dealing with boring calls and customer service, but it can't be helped. If he wanted to take over the company, Drew'd have to work his way up. Roby smiled. He could see how Fiona had helped him, despite the phone call being short. "Drew, have you talked to Jake since he left?" David asked and Drew shook his head. "I don't know when he isn't busy. If he's not working, he's probably practicing or resting." Drew replied. "Just shoot him a text, he can't be that busy that he can't text you. " Derek said from the kitchen. "Since when have you been up?" Drew asked. Derek had worked night shift, so Drew figured he'd still be recovering from a probably long night at the E.R. "Like five minutes ago. I have work tonight so I need to get ready soon." Derek responded and sipped his coffee cup. Drew hummed and Derek walked in the living room. "Drew, if you miss him, talk to him. I know you do because you've been sulking since he left Rose Meadow." Drew blushes at the comment and Roby's eyes were huge with curiosity. "So cute! So, you do like him." Roby said and Drew got up. "No, I don't! Not like that. I still love Zoey." Drew hated this. 

Drew hates seeing the winces of sympathy and the faces of guilt. It got on his nerves. He'd just gotten sick from Zoey, it was only a matter of time before he did again, he knew that. Zoey was always doing something that got on his nerves. But a crush on Jake? It was likely but he hated being teased. He didn't mean to have an outburst, now they probably think he's in love with Jake! Is that really a bad thing? There is worse. "I'm going to my room." Drew said quietly and walked up the stairs. "Are you okay, Drew?" Derek asked and Drew didn't respond because he didn't know. Was he okay? So much was going on. He was only seeing his daughter on the weekends, Jake was out of town, and his ex was pregnant and didn't know who the dad was. His dreams had a mix of reality within them. Zoey having the kid and it look like him, every time Jake lied to him replayed in his dreams. Fiona growing up to be distant from him and Zoey because of her childhood. He'd truly tried to make the relationship work, and to give Fiona as much attention as possible. To trust Jake and be a better friend and person than he was years ago. He'd been trying so hard only for it all to crumble on him. Jake lying to him once again, and Zoey was horrible. God, why did he take her back? How stupid was he, to believe she had changed after just a few days of them being broken up? He was so desperate for her to love him. Highschool him was the real freak. He was so obsessed with people, and he still is.  

Drew groaned into his pillow, screaming into it before giving it a few punches. He was so frustrated. The anger built up inside of him was begging to be let loose. He sighs, getting up and walking downstairs. He wondered if he still had that soccer ball or if one of the kids had one. 

Roby and David watched Drew continuously hit the garage with the soccer ball he'd found. David could see the dark circles under Drew's eyes, and his concentrated expression showed signs of weariness. "He needs to calm down." Roby said and David smiled. "He will, after he gets this out. It's good for him." David stared at his son. He was also concerned but knew Drew would calm down and be himself again after he got a text back from Jake. His eyes would light up and he'd be smiling from ear to ear. His tanned cheeks would be dusted pink. He knew his son, and Drew just loved Jake. Drew had no idea he had those feelings, and David was starting to worry he'd only find out too late. Roby places a hand on David's shoulder. "It'll be okay. Drew's pretty strong. He'll make it through." David smiled, turning to face his practical brother. "Thanks, Roby. You always know just what to say." 

David was right. Drew was smiling, feeling fuzzy as Jake sent his pictures and videos of his most recent concert. He was texting Drew quite a lot of photos of him and Drew pressed down on them and saved them to his phone. "You don't like him, eh? I'm not buying it." Drew jumped at Roby's voice. "How long have you been there! And I don't like Jake. We're just friends." Roby whistled and sang, "Denial!" and Drew rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to bed." Drew announced and David smiled. "Good night, Drew. Sleep well." he called to his son. "Mhm." Drew hummed back. "He's still such a child, and so stupid!" Roby laughed. "He so obviously likes Jake. He was saving Jake's pictures onto his phone." David smiled. "You remember where the guest room is?" he asked, and Roby nodded. "Good. Drew just needs more time to realize he has these feelings. It's been a while since he's had a crush." David told Roby who nodded. "I know, it's just kinda funny." 

Drew tossed and turned; eyes closed. He was sleeping rather deeply, but very fitfully. He could hear Jake singing. He'd watched the video of Jake's solo, and he had liked it, despite hating music. Now, he was dreaming he was there, and that love song Jake sang was for him. Suddenly, all was peaceful and he stopped tossing and turning and was still the rest of the night. 

"Drew! Get up!" Lilac shouted and Drew groaned. "No, it's so early!" he complained to his younger sister, who giggled. "Breakfast, oh and Derek's nearly home." 

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