Music Drama

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Jake sighs as he heard Zander and Luke whispering in the dark.  Sean was sleeping and Jake knew he should be as well. It was surprising that Sean was even able to rest, considering all the recent drama involves him and Hailey. 

Sean married Daisy after Jake married Hailey. When Jake and Hailey broke up, it was because that Hailey had feelings for Daisy. Jake understood, he'd loved her more than anything in the world at one point. This hurt because Hailey had kept her mouth shut about it for ages, kissing Jake even though er heart truly belonged to another. Jake was rightfully upset when he found out. Hailey had come clean, and it hurt, a lot. He hated that Mason, their son, was caught in between. He was with Hailey half the time, with Jake the other half. Mason's brown eyes had filled with tears, his teal hair becoming disheveled the day after the divorce announcement. Mason was heartbroken, and Jake hated that. 

This tour had been messy, Mason was staying with Michael and Shannon, Bethany was happy to keep him company. Jake tried to call him every day, but most days, he was so drowsy after hours of performing non-stop that he ended up crashing as soon as he could. Hailey would still call and explain that Jake was simply too tired for everything going on. He was trying to juggle speaking to family and Drew and singing for hours straight. His vocal cords were sore, and his eyelids drooped whenever he got in the van. This tour, despite the drama had been really fun, just super draining. Milly wasn't yelling, she was not. 

Okay, she was, and now Sean was awake, and Luke and Zander stopped whispering. Jake groaned and sighed. This would be a long night. 

"I have a confession to make. The reason Jake and I split is because there's someone I truly love. I'm sorry Sean, it's Daisy." Sean stared at her; mouth open wide. "Hailey." he breathed, and Luke stared at Hailey. He wasn't angry, just a bit sad for Sean. This was hard to swallow, especially for Milly and Zander.  Milly's face said it all. She was very protective over Sean and his emotions, so Hailey knew she wouldn't take it well, but she looked livid. Hailey knew this would be one tense conversation and Jake winced in sympathy for his ex. He may not like it either, but making Milly mad is a fatal mistake. 

Milly was keeping calm, it was hard, but she was doing great. Jake couldn't help but feel proud, despite the disruption. She'd only screamed for a full thirty seconds.

Sean sighed. He was tired and was currently feeling quite cranky during to this. "Milly, it's fine. Hailey didn't mean to hurt us, and not me. I'm okay with it as long as she doesn't act on her feelings. Now quiet down so I can sleep." The trailer went quiet, and Jake was thanking Sean in his head. Jake was soon fast asleep, exhausted after singing all day long. 

Jake laughed as he texted Drew. Drew was texting him videos of his siblings. Jake smiled as he watched Lilac dancing on the table, and Aaron blushing as Drew teased him about a crush. Lydia and Derek kissing and being startled by Drew and so on. Jake missed Drew whenever he had time to think. Hailey leaned over her best friend and grinned. "Drew?" She smirked and he jumped. "Hailey! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Jake said, calming down. "You've been talking to him quite a lot." Hailey smirks, watching in satisfaction as his face goes red. "I miss him." Jake whispered and she grinned.

"You two are pretty close again." She said and Jake stared at her. "Don't act like you care about him." He rolled his eyes and she did the same. "Jake, you know I'm really sorry about everything. I didn't mean to pressure you." She said and he frowned. "Yeah, neither did he. Didn't stop you from blaming it all on him. I told you it was everyone, but everything falls back on him." Hailey sighed.

"The more I think about highschool, the more I realize every last one if us were jerks, I was just as judgemental as them. Me and Zander were the worst about it. I'm sorry for everything Jake." Jake smiled. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm just frustrated."

Jake smiled as soon as the refreshing tea hit his throat. A wave of happiness and relief flooded through him. This was true heaven. He'd been singing nonstop and this was his only break. The only day of his tour where he wasn't busy as hell.

He'd slept in and now, was having a nice lunch with some warm tea to soothe his aching throat. He was texting Drew and smiling. This was his happy place. Jake was loving this. He slurps his warm tea and another wave if happiness surges through his veins.

Jake was staring at a photo of Drew and Fiona, taken by Derrk but sent by Drew. It was her fourth birthday and it was Drew handing her a gift. Her green eyes were wide and sparkling with happiness. She seemed do joyful and Drew did too. You could tell how much he loved his daughter. "I can't wait to formally meet Fiona." He murmured aloud and Luke giggled. "Talking to Drew again?" Jake turned to Luke, who was grinning widely. "Why are you all teasing me about him?" Jake groaned. "Because it's obvious you love him." Luke laughed and Jake sighed.

"Okay, you caught me, I do love him, but I don’t know how to tell him." Jake admitted. Hailey had confessed to Jake and Jake had a severe fear of rejection. Not just romantic, just in general. He hated being let down that way. "I'm so scared, Luke. I think he likes me but it's too difficult to tell. One second he's looking like he wants to kiss me, next he's crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. I have no clue if he likes me or not." Luke gave him a look that read 'Are you stupid?' And Jake grinned. "He literally has lived you since highschool! Hoe dumb can one person be? You like him, just say something!" Luke exclaimed. "He loves me?" Jake asked numbly, his face heating up. "Yes, a lot. I can see it. He's been texting you the entire time we've been on this tour and is probably missing you like crazy. Jake, he does, trust me." Luke said and Jake smiled, he was feeling warm and fuzzy. His face was heating up just thinking of Drew. "I'll tell him when I get home. We can be official, it'd be great! Now, just to finish off the tour!" Jake cheered and a smile graced Luke's face.

Now I'm just worried. Luke thought. What if Drew hasn't realized or isn't accepting his feelings yet? I saw them together a little while ago and they both are obviously into each other. But, Drew didn't seem to notice. Did I say the right or wrong thing? Oh, this is hard! I really hope Jake knows I only meant the best.

Luke sits with Zander, his expression tense as he regretted telling Jake that Drew was into him. "Luke, are you okay?" Zander asked and Luke sighed. "Well, I told Jake that Drew likes him and now I'm conflicted." Zander hummed, sliding hid hand down Luke's arm and grinning. He stroked Luke's wedding ring and Luke blushed a little. His yellow eyes were full of admiration.

"Well, Jake would know more than anyone that you tried to give him solid advice. Everything will work out, I hope."

Luke sighed. "I sure hope so too, Zander." He said, fiddling with his hands.

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