⁰¹ welcome back to Hogwarts

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟎𝟏ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵗᵒ ʰᵒᵍʷᵃʳᵗˢ ━━━━━━━━»•»  ༒ «•«━━━━━━━━

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DUMBLEDORE WAS FINALLY over with his overwhelming boring speech of the year and Silver could finally stop yawning every other second. Unlike the other years, the old headmaster spoke more of union and the dark times that were coming than his usually cheerful words which meant something was really going downhill.

"And I would like you to welcome with open arms the new professor who would be teaching defence against the dark arts. Mr Sebastian Wulock" Dumbledore clapped his hands and everyone mimicked him as the man in his mid-thirties rose from his seat.

Silver couldn't help but grimace at the look on him, he was wearing those clothes that belonged in the trash in her opinion and he had this mischievous look on his face that after a few seconds became really creepy since he didn't even utter a word.

"He is going to teach us defence?" Rosier chuckled, "he's a tosser, he's been working with my father for ages and he is not good news"

"Yeah, I can tell" Silver took a better look at him.

"From what? His fashion sense?" Evan gave her a teasing look.

"Don't underestimate my powers Evan" The blonde-haired girl flicked her hair, "Who in their right mind would wear something like that? Therefore he's batshit crazy"

"She has a point" Nott commented making Rosier raise an eyebrow at the sudden interest, " what? He looks like he just got out of the asylum"

"Why are you guys dragging him out like that?" Blair laughed, "he looks a little crazy but they're usually the best professors"

"Now please enjoy the food and just know Hogwarts will be here for any of you at any time if you need help" Dumbledore smiled and took a seat on the enormous table when the meals appeared infront of the students.

Silver almost laughed out loud at his words, Hogwarys and help didn't really go together in the same sentence for her but she swallowed it down and started eating her dinner. The blonde-haired witch placed some potatoes and meat on her plate before everyone could dive in and steal all the fries as usual.

"So how was your summer Sil?" Evan had a mischievous grin painted on his face, sharing looks with both her and Nott who looked rather unhappy about the conversion. "I heard you had the time of your life in Spain"

If we were villains| Sirius BlackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя