
The quiet hall had all heard the black-haired girl's reaction.

At the Gryffindor table Sirius and Regulus exchanged a hidden look filled with confusion and desperate longing. They both knew that it had been 12 years, but they knew those eyes anywhere. They just really hoped their guess on who the woman was is right.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward with her wand still raised and asked, "What are you doing here? How did you manage to get inside the castle?" Alya knew her group, except one, knew nothing about this world. So, she took it upon herself to try and diffuse the situation.

Alya stepped forward with her hands raised in surrender and said, "We mean you know harm; I promise." The British accent that she had seemed to surprise the people that appeared with her. Not looking to see their reaction she kept speaking. She motioned to the group behind her as she said, "They are all muggles and have no idea what any of you are." Swallowing slightly, she continued. "I am a squib, so I know we are currently at Hogwarts. I don't know how we got here. We were all about to head to work when we were transported out of nowhere." There were disgusted gasps from prominent purebloods at the new information that this group consisted of muggles and a squib.

McGonagall could tell Alya was telling the truth, so she slowly lowered her wand as she nodded her head.

Just as Dumbledore was going to speak a note popped out in front of Alya. It had slightly startled the woman, but she grabbed the floating paper nonetheless. Clearing her throat she read:

Dear witches, wizards, and agents of the FBI,

You have all been brought to the great hall to watch the future. More specifically the future of the Unknown Black.

It may seem strange, but you are in a room full of witches and wizards. Anything seems possible after that.

Some things may be hard to watch, but they are necessary.

If at any point in time you need to take a break there are designated rooms on the sides of the great hall.

Agents, there will be trials and tribulations, but you must know that you always succeed in the end.


Lady Magic

The hall was stuck in a stunned silence after Alya finished reading.

Alya set down the paper and when she looked back up her gaze locked with two sets of grey eyes that matched her own perfectly. Looking the two younger boys over she recognized some of their key features instantly. Raising a hand to her mouth Alya nearly started crying as she stumbled backward a couple steps. The only reason she didn't fall was because a tall, lanky man with short brown hair caught her by the waist.

When Sirius and Regulus locked eyes with the woman at the front of the hall and saw her reaction, they knew exactly who she was. They shared a look with one another before whispering just so they could hear, "Alya."

Interrupting the moment Dumbledore spoke up. "If our newcomers could introduce themselves so we could begin the watching." The group looked between one another before they started from the left.

"Jason Gideon."

"Aaron Hotchner."

"Derek Morgan."

"Jennifer Jareau."

"Elle Greenaway."

"Penelope Garcia."

The man that caught Alya was next to introduce himself. He had let go of Alya's waist and settled for standing closer to her than he would anybody else. He gave a slightly awkward wave and said, "Dr. Spencer Reid." There were some confused looks from the wizarding world population, but any muggleborns that liked science or math watched on in intrigue.

Alya was the last to introduce herself. She had quickly sobered up after her earlier realization and adopted an expression that many of the witches and wizards would describe as a "pureblood mask." With her hands clasped in front of her she firmly said, "Dr. Alya Harlow." She was not in the mood for exposing herself before this whole charade even started.

Once everyone was introduced the hall started to magically transform.

The house tables all turned into plush couches, chairs, and beanbags. Small tables were scattered throughout the hall with snacks and drinks. And doors popped up on the sides of the hall for bathrooms and panic rooms.

Alya looked around with a miniscule smile as she whispered, "Sometimes I wish magic." She was pulled out of her thoughts when Spencer nudged her arm. Turning to him she heard him say, "Let's go find a seat." Alya nodded her head and started walking.

Out of habit she wanted to be close to a certain pair of boys. However, she maintained her distance just in case. She sat down on a couch with Spencer on her right side. They were close enough to the boys that they might be able to hear their conversation, but not close enough so that it would be easy to converse with one another. It was as close to perfect as Alya could get.

When everyone had found their seats that lights in the great hall snuffed themselves out and the screen lit up.

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