(2) Did I just get kidnapped?

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I woke up to someone violently shaking me awake, I look at the person to see it's... OJ?! Why is he here now of all times? I push his hands away, trying to go back to sleep.

"Balloon cmon— don't fall asleep again, you're gonna be late for pickup!"


OJ sighs. "Yes, pickup. I told the mental hospital to pick you up at the hotel since they were close, and they're about to arrive soon! Cmon!"

"...I- I never agreed to..." I felt my consiousness slipping.

OJ suddenly picked me up and raced out of my room with my blanket still wrapped around me. I wanted to get up and push him away, but I was just too tired...

Then I passed out, again.


Dammit- what if they already arrived?! Would they still take Balloon even if he isn't awake? I swear this big tantrum he keeps throwing is gonna cost us something soon...

I raced down the stairs, and raced out the door. Some people looked at me like I was an alien, but did I care at this point? All I was trying to do is get him out the hotel.

I arrived outside, seeing as they hadn't arrived yet I leaned against the hotel, awaiting their arrival.

And then... Suitcase walked outside.

"OJ, why—" She looked at Balloon in my arms, letting out an audible gasp. "WAIT! I don't even get to say goodbye?!"

"I'm afraid not, he won't be able to hear it..."

"B– but... I wanted to say goodbye... I don't want him to go yet!"

"I'm afraid I can't do much, he was too stubborn to wake up when I went to get him."

I saw tears start pouring from Suitcase's eyes, my expression softened. I knew I couldn't do much for her, and... I also didn't want Balloon to wake up and start running. He would have ran into the woods, given after season one he lived in the woods for awhile before I let him in. So i'd rather not risk that.

Eventually, I caved. Not being able to stand Suitcase's cries. "...You could still say goodbye or... something. He just won't hear it."

Suitcase looked at me with sad eyes. "...Do... do you think they'll let him have a bracelet in there? I wanna give him something."

"I don't think so... they don't allow anything that can be used to harm the paitent or anyone else."

"Awh... well- uhm..." Suitcase walked up to Balloon, still in my arms.

"...Bye Balloon." She gave him a side hug, then walked back in the hotel. I could see the tears still in her eyes as she left.

I didn't have time to feel any sympathy though, as the car for the hospital pulled up. It was a basic white truck, with it's logo pasted on the sides. I walk towards it as they roll down the window.

"Hey! We're here to pick up Balloon Citrus?"

"I have him here, he refused to wake up sadly, so i'll have to hand him in still asleep."

"Ah, alright! If you could just place him in the back for me?"


I opened the car door, then placed him in the backseat. He looked... weirdly peaceful. Almost as if I was regretting letting him go? No- no... he needed the help anyway. I softly closed the door and walked away, knowing this wasn't my problem anymore. I turned around after reaching the door, watching the car drive away.







Please don't tell me I screwed up.


I woke up to me... being in a car? Where was I?


"Did I just get kidnapped?!"


classic cliffhanger 😎
btw balloons last name is citrus because uh... i followed a certain headcanon made by wisp (the creator of inanimate ronpa rewind) where oj is the legal guardian of most of the hotel guests! it's a rlly good headcanon so :)
651 words


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