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                MAGUI had been waiting for joão to say that phrase for nearly 18 years. in fact, when she was six, magui spent a whole week making up a scenario of their wedding in her head. it's safe to say that her crazy childhood antics jump started her writing career.

              as much as magui wanted to stand up, kiss joão, and drive to his soon to be ex-girlfriend's house and witness their break up in person, she had to remain civil. they weren't six anymore, they were adults.

"joão. you wouldn't know how long i have been waiting for you to say that. i feel the same way but..." magui stated, still contemplating whether she should actually stand up and kiss him.


"but we cannot just rush into things. as much as i have been waiting for this day to come, we have the worst timing. we need to get over our current problems."

"why? and what current problems? you said it yourself, you - both of us have been waiting for this for so long." joão questioned, with a hint of annoyance.

"you need to completely get over your ex. i don't wanna be seen as a rebound. also, i have a whole life back in nyc. i still need to do a whole press tour on my book and you are going to play in the premier league soon."

"so we're playing the long game. keeping it low key? how is that going to work?"

"we can visit each other, go on dates, support each other, but we can't put a label on anything. that prevents both of us from getting hurt. i can't mess up this relationship like i messed up the last one." magui calmly stated.

"i understand. to keeping it casual then." joão said, hesitantly raising a glass.

       the rest of the dinner was not awkward this time, something changed within the atmosphere. it as if they were both where they wanted to be. they both felt things that they haven't felt in years, and they didn't want to make the wrong decisions again.

before leaving the restaurant, joão quickly messaged magui corceiro regarding the fate of their relationship. he knew that breaking up over text made him an asshole, but seeing as she has done way worse, joão didn't care, not one bit.

magui let's break up
i'm in love with someone else
magui c:
ur going to regret that

the drive back was lively this time. they were singing to joão's playlist and smiling throughout. when they finally reached magui's hotel, the pair shared a hug to say goodbye. they both stated that they would call each other and possibly hang out before magui's departure.

just when magui was about to enter the hotel lobby. joão quickly stopped her. he wanted more than a hug.

"i am probably going to regret this but i don't care," joão said, and as doing so he leaned it to kiss magui. what both of them have wanted since childhood.

             in response to joão's kiss, magui returned it and wrapped her arms around his neck. the kiss was electric. it was nothing like any other kiss both of them have endured. it was the first of many kisses the pair would share.

this was one of the happiest days of their lives. but this happiness is soon to be short lived. unfortunately, a bystander witnessed their kiss and to their dismay, sent it to multiple gossip websites.

two chapters in a row !!! felt bad for not updating but shits about to go down☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼

𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐈, joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now