Double Date

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*After that whole kerfuffle yesterday me and quill wanted to get them together, so he had the genius idea to do a-*


A: ...

A: double date?

Q: double date!

A: double. date.

Q: d-double date...?

A: seriously? 

Q: you said you wanted them to do something together! So unless you want to stalk them on they're date to make sure it goes ok.

A: ok ok double date then


*so we invite them both on a double date and we get to the restaurant*

*Lily and Jack walk up to the booth we're at*

A: Hey! Good to see you guys made it! 

*Lily's face was redder than I have ever seen, and Jack looked like he just won the lottery*

J: Yeah! Good to see you two are fine.

*After they say down and we ordered drinks we all started to talk*

J: So Quill?

*Quill tilted his head to the side cutely*

Q: What's up?

J: so if you don't mind me asking, what species are you..?

*Quill starts to slightly panic and eventually covers his face with his ears*

*I chuckle and speak up*

A: Well, if you really want to know, then you have to promise to keep it a secret, ok?

*Jack and Lily look at me and Quill in confusion*

J: U-uhhmm... Sure...?

*I let out a sigh and I let the words flow out*

A: Quill in short summary is an alien..

*The couple looked shocked and looked at Quill, his face still bright red*

J: Interesting... So why'd you come to earth..? Are there more of you...? Are you dangerous...? Are you going to invade earth?

*Quill starts to look stressed and start whimpering*

A: Jack, stop, Quill is harmless and no, no one is invading earth.

*Jack shrugs*

J: Alright, I just have so many questions... And it's not like it's bad thing but it's just so confusing now- it would explain why the doctors were so baffled when he got injured back then..

A: Well let's leave the questions to when you two come over.

*Lily still silent is completely mesmerized by Quill*

A: Lily? Are you alright?

L: hm? OH! s-sorry.. I've just always been a huge fan of aliens and extraterrestrial things.

*She smiled with the geeky grin the made Jack smile*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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