The beat in a metal heart

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*I wake up seeing quill still cuddling my chest still, purring like a cat*

A: *groan* another day...

*Quill woke up shortly after I got out of bed*

Q: *groan* good morning Aaron 

A: good morning

Q: I'm going to cook breakfast

A: no, you don't need to

Q: no, I insist

*I went downstairs to see quill sitting at the table that's covered with pancakes, all while looking at me, waiting for me to sit down, his tail wagging, and a smile across his face*

A: you look eager?

Q: *blushes* heh yea... I'm just happy.

*It's been about a month since quill's been staying with me but he's been really nice and helpful*

*After a bit of eating*

A: that was good... So, what do you think we should do today?

Q: oh! Um I don't know?

A: movie?

Q: ok!

*We both sit down at the couch, and I start scrolling through Netflix until we got to the romance section*

Q: ummmmm... that one!

*He pointed at the movie "Sex in Seattle"*

A: um... Ok but it's a bit inappropriate... You sure you're ok with that?

Q: yep

*We watch the movie until you got to the sex scene*

Q: hey Aaron?

A: yea?

Q: what are they doing?

*Wait does he not know what sex is? *

A: Well, ummmm... Shit, well, they're having sex.

*He freezes up for a minute*

*Is he... Looking it up? *

Q: O-OH... Uh-umm...

Q: *starts blushing intensely*

*God he's so cute*

A: *under breath* heh...

*We keep watching it until another inappropriate scene*

Q: *starts scooting closer to Aaron*

*Is he trying to get me to put my arm around him? God quill... Stop being so damn cute*

*I pull him in and lay him on my chest*

Q: WOAH! I... UM... I  

IQH: he's so close to me... What do I do?... His lips are so close to mine... He's so hot... I don't know what to do!

*Quill starts leaning closer to me, inches away from my lips*

*My phone starts ringing, and I rush to it ruining the moment*

Q: *balls up and mumbles* FUCK HE'S SO HOT.... I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS FEELING IS!

A: sorry about that... Quill?

*Man, I feel like a jerk*

Q: hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine.

* I put quill back on my chest*

Q: Aaron... 

A: yea?

Q: lately I've been having this weird feeling, and I don't know what it is...

A: oh?

Q: I've looked up every disease, every physical and mental emotion, but it...

Q: it keeps bringing me back to one thing...

Q: A-aaron... I... I think I'm in love with you...

*My heart starts beating, love? So soon? *

Q: Aaron... do-

Q: do you love me?


A: I just... I.

*My cheeks are red, my chest beating, what do I say... What do I do? *

A: quill I'm sorry I just... I...

Q: *sigh* it's ok I understand... It was too quick... I'm sorry.

A: wait quill!

*He gets off me and starts walk upstairs*

*Why didn't I say anything?!*

*I walk upstairs and went to the guest bedroom and peered in to see quill balled up on the bed crying, I wanted to walk in and apologize, but I didn't*

*That night quill didn't ask to sleep with me*

Love, Fur, and Metal (Reader Q&A)Where stories live. Discover now