The Medical Center Homewrecker

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*I see a white light beam on me with several masked figures over my head, I blink and see doctors and surgeons*

*I blink once more and get up with a jump, I start taking out all the patches and tube all over my body...*

*Until I couldn't feel my arm*

*I tried moving it but I couldn't feel it, I look at my arm and my heart stopped*

*It was gone*

*I started to panic, I yelled but it was silent in my ear, I was hyperventilating, I couldn't breathe*

*My panic instantly stopped and became worry for quill*

A: Where's quill?!

Doctor: he's in the other room, he just needs time to heal.


D: Mr. Cobalt please calm down!

A: could I at least get an explanation for my arm?!

*A knock at the door fallowed by Fang walking in*

F: *chuckles* hey! Good to see ya awake!

A: w-what happen?!

F: you sure you want to know?

A: please...

F: ok, well, here's the story... When you got knocked, out one of the thugs through a Molotov and set the building on fire, we tried to get you both out and we did but unfortunately your left arm was, in non-graphic terms, "well-done"?

A: what about quill?

F: you know, you are probably the least selfish person I know...

A: thank you but again, what about quill?!

F: well we found a crack in his visor so we had to give him oxygen manually.

A: when can I see him?

F: unfortunately... a week.


F: I understand your worried about him and because of that...

*He picks up a tablet from a table and hands it to me*

F: this is some security feed of him now, you can hold on to this until you two are fully recovered*

A: thank you.

A: so am I going to get a prosthetic?

Doctor: yes, here you go.

*He put on the prosthetic, I'm still terrified on the fact that my arm is gone, but I'm more focused on quill*

Doctor: unfortunately Mr. Cobalt you can't leave the hospital until your burns fully heal, and because you'll be getting used to your prosthetic, we are giving you an assistant until you get used to your arm.

Doc: come in.

*A nurse walk through the door with... "Defined quality's" and a smile across her face*

Doc: this is Ms. Scarlett, Ms. Scarlett this is who you'll be taking care of for the next week, Mr. Cobalt.

A: sorry but I think I'm old enough to take care of myself.

Doc: I'm sorry but you need it.

A: *sigh* fine.


Doc: ok we'll let you get some rest.

*The doctors and fang leave my room but Scarlett stayed*

A: um... Why are you still here?

S: well I'm here to... Take care of you~

*She said that in a very seductive tone, it made me unnerved*

 A: could I have some privacy?

S: sure~

*She left the room, i could still smell her perfume, is she hitting on me?*

*Over the next few days she constantly follows me, talk in a lustful tone, and tries touching me*

*One day she stumbles into my room, her nurse outfit was unbuttoned, her perfume was heavy as ever* 

A: umm... Scarlett? What's up with you?

*She slams the door and locks it*

S: you know... When I saw you... I could only think of one thing... I had to have you~

A: Ms you know my heart belongs to someone else?

*She pushes me on the bed and starts to undress

A: oh~

S: who said we had to date? Let's cut to the chase~

A: *sigh* alright~

*I grab her and pin her to the bed*

S: oh! So feisty~

A: stay there... I have something for you~

*I go to my closet and grab two belts*

S: so naughty~

*I tie her to the bed*

S: do me dirty~

A: heh heh... no.

S: w-what?

A: have fun talking to the judge.

*I start to walk out of the room*


*I walk down the hall to fang*

A: hey I found someone for you to arrest.

F: hm? Who?

A: Ms. Scarlett. Sexual assault.

F: *chuckles* on it.

*I walk over to quill's room to see him awake*

A: hey.

Q: *gasp* AARON!

*He limbs over to me and hugs me* 

A: WOAH! quill you can't get out of bed!

Q: *crying* I-i love you... So much... *Sniff* I thought you left me... I-i thought you were gone forever.

A: ssshhhhh... It's ok... I'm here.

Q: w-what happened to your arm!

A: heh... Long story short... My arm got a bit crispy.

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