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Name: Phantom

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Name: Phantom

Gender: Male 

Sexuality: Bisexual


Phantom was only 2 when his parents died then he was found and transported to an orphanage at 3. Months later, he was adopted by two nice looking people but once they took him to his new home, They were like monsters they drank a LOT and were always drunk so they couldn't take care of him, He was always hungry and would go weeks without eating. He would go to school and was made fun of for being dirty, his parents abused him enough at home and now he has to deal with this. a year later he ran away from home and a mother cat found him, she raised him and when he was 20 he committed su!c!de and went to hell.

He's bipolar so it's unpredictable 

Likes: cats, quiet places, and anything that's not annoying

Hates: Bombs, fireworks, yelling, and loud crowds and music. (not really hates but dislikes) Dogs, and socializing.

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