life when I was younger

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But when I was 5 or 6 my mom had cuts all over her body, and once she was about to slit her throat I took the knife away from her, then I gave it to my dad so he could hide it or smth and then she was just on the floor crying and so was i, I was traumatized at the moment
I was scared of seeing my mom this way
I was crying so badly that my face was redder then Knuckles's fur

and then when my brother was 2 or three Hector was around, and he was such an asshole towards us, he once put me into the basement for eating one too many fries... I stayed in the basement for a whole entire day once and it was very cold, the floor was cold (obviously since it was stone floor) but all i had to sleep on was a chair, they didn't even bring me a blow up matress or anything...... just a chair

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