Flash back of that day

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The professor is seen sleeping but twist and turns before a flashback is shown of the day he met Drusilla and how she helped defeat her sister. A wolf is her howling as a full moon is shown in the dead of night as wind blows through the tree very eerily as a group of men are making their way to the castle of snapping is her"who goes there"one of the bigger men demand.

Figure is seen walking out as she slowly pulls the hood of cloak of her head showing her as Drusilla making them all gasp"vampire shes that devil women's sister"the men with the professor exclaim as they go to shoot her but her eyes why didn't she raises her hand not in a threatening way that is a peaceful way"please unlock the enemy I know what my sister has done I'm not proud of what she has done it is wrong to kill innocent women just for beauty they were innocent lives I want to help you stop her please"she begs the men as she bows down in front of them the three men look hesitant but professor room assures them as he looks into her eyes knowing she's telling the truth he walks up to her gently holds her arms as he helps her up"don't worry dear I believe you I can see it in your eyes now it was hurry."he tells her before they rush off to the castle.

After making her way to the graveyard with Drusilla leading them they make their way into the castle it was dark and eerie they all use their flashlights to look around. As they all use their flashlights to look around to what would look like a torture chamber the priest looks at all the torture equipment and horror having a flesh of each woman how they were bled to death and how they die it was horrible. Drusilla looks around her heart aches for her sister's victims she remembers their cries when she couldn't do anything against her sister see while her sister realizes on the goddess Hecate for power. Drusilla only has her vampire powers. She tries so hard to help as many girls as she can even when she get punished for it she was determined to put a stop to her sister's treachery. 

They were trying to find a woman named Anna who was supposed to be marrying one of the men with them. Drusilla hope they can find her before it's too late she didn't want to see another innocent girl be slaughtered for something so vague as vanity and beauty."fiance she could still be alive"one of the men tries to reassure the man to be married as they look at the bone remains of the victims.

"But there's not much time before....what"the taller one of the men says but also professor and Drusilla stop for two different reasons the professor had noticed the blood on the ground but you're still a smelled it and she are if you're at the worst. The professor touches the blood the man to be Mary has to turn away not wanting to face the truth hopeing she's still alive.drusilla walks forward following the trail as everyone follows where the blood leads to.

A sickening feeling developed in her chest seeing the wall where her sister's portrait is shown as the blood goes all the way underneath it she hoped anna was still alive.

Soon the wall is broken as they look into everyone had horror looks on their face to see Anna lying in front of a tub they all run to her only to see white marks in her neck she was drained of her blood. While everyone realized that it was too late they decided to put her in peace Drusilla heart breaks because she didn't deserve this soon she hears the men moving what appear to be a stone cough and top but her eyes when her sister's not even in there. There is a whooshing sound and a hissing making her own alert but brought to the group as the gas when one of their men disappears.

Soon they look up seeing Elizabeth on the ceiling drinking the blood out of the taller than other group all the other is gas and horror that they wash before she turns to look at him with a deadly smirk on her face.

"Go run!"Drusilla tells them knowing already what her sister was planning and she wasn't gonna let it happen.

As they run they come up to a dead end freeze at the son of hearing wolves howl within the castle her eyes wide and knowing exactly what wolves they are now she feared for the men as they panic they go to separate tunnels but her press or try to stop for those too late and blood and Bone crushing blood curly screams is heard.

Soon I'll go silent as candlesticks and livestart appearing on the wall like"quickly get behind me professor I won't let her hurt you"she tells professor broom as Elizabeth glides in from the shadows."you brought the others and yet you did not flee with them"as comes forward she throws Drusilla across the room with a wave of her hand.she groans from the pain as she heals her self slowly standing up.

The professor pulls out a small metal container slightly sharing a look with Drusilla as they come up with a plan"something to calm your nerves"Elizabeth says that she gets closer only to recoil when her skin starts burning when the liquid hits her dead on"holy water"

Drusilla watches as her sister holds her face screaming in agony and steam comes off her before her face is shown as the blue flames disappear as her magic weakens. She smacks the professor into one of the stone thrones out of anger as she slowly grows and hisses"my face you stole in my beauty."before she roars flying straight towards the professor not realizing that he grabbed the curtain he gave his slight not to Drusilla for her to hide she does that she hives behind the stone throat slightly watching what happens.

Both Elizabeth and the professor fly out the window as shards of glass break in the curtain rips. The curtains slowly lowers as ears a bit is exposed to the Sun causing her to slowly burst in flames as she screams in agony her skeleton is shown as it burns before nothing left but dust is shown flying back into the castle disappearing into the dark. As the professor climbs back up from the ledge he and Drusilla share a look knowing it was finally over they put a stop to her sister's treachery.

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