chapter one: meeting again

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16 years ago

3rd person pov:

Melissa and Chris had just broken up. They both decided it would be best for one another to break up. The breakup went okay, they both stayed in touch as they still kind of had a little friendship. But a few weeks after they broke up, Melissa found out that she's pregnant. 

She obviously knew it was Chris' so the moment she found out, she knew she had to tell him. But before she told him, she told Scott first. 

Everyone was happy for them, Scott couldn't wait to meet his sibling and Chris promised to stay by Melissa's side through the whole thing. 

(time jump to 13 years later)

"Okay but what if no one likes me?" Ally asked Scott, "it's your first day of high school Al, you just need to relax. Don't get into any fights, be nice to people too! oh but not to the ones who are mean to you obviously." Stiles said walking into the room, Ally smiled and ran to hug him when she saw who it was. 

Ally had a massive crush on Stiles and everyone knew it, she really missed him when he was away but he always called her all the time to make sure she's okay. 

"Yes Ally, be nice okay?" Melissa told her daughter while walking past her room. 

"you guys are telling me to be nice like i'm a dog who just met a new person" Ally mumbled and Stiles and Scott laughed. 

"Okay Ally! let's go" Chris said and Ally hugged Stiles, Scott and Melissa goodbye.

"Have a great day kiddo" Chris said as he drove away, Leaving Ally at the school. 

As she walked through the halls she looked for a specific locker, when she found it, she smiled big.

She realized that it was empty too so she decided to take it before anyone else does. 

It was Stiles' old locker, he told her about it when she told him that she was going here and ever since then, she made it a mission to get to his locker before anyone else.

Just then, the bell rang, causing everyone to go to their classes but as she turned around after closing her locker, she bumped into someone. 

"oh shoot sorry!" The person quickly apologized. 

"no i'm sorry!" Ally replied, as she stood up. Causing them to make eye contact. 

"I should hurry up to science class" Ally said, "i'm going there too, do you..." He started, "yeah i'd love to go with you" Ally finished for him and he smiled.

They made their way into science class and sat next to one another in class. 

Once it was over they walked out to go into their next class. 

"i have to go to english, what about you?" Ally asked, "History" He replied, "i'll see you around then" Ally said before walking away.

"wait, what's your name? i can't be calling you science girl now" He said sarcastically.

"i'm Ally" she said smiling, "Eli" he replied returning the smile. 

After a few seconds of eye contact, she walked away. 


It was now lunch time, and Ally only had two more classes left. Spanish and Geography. How lovely. 

Ally sat down at a table, and just as she sat down she saw someone immediately sitting at the chair opposite hers. 

She smiled when she saw it was Eli. 

"Well hello again" He said, "hi" she said chuckling. 

"what classes you got left?" she asked, "geography and i think maths?" he replied, "i hate maths" he mumbled "me too" she said and he laughed. 

"guess it's our lucky day 'cause i've got geography too!" Ally said excitedly and he smiled. 

After lunch was over and the two made their way to geography. 

There were two idiots laughing at the back of the class and they made the teacher so mad that they got two weeks of detention. 

As Eli and Ally walked out of the class they started laughing hysterically, talking about the idiots who got detention on the first day. 

They parted ways again, and after school was over they talked more outside while waiting for their parents. 

Just then, Ally saw Stiles' jeep coming and she immediately smiled wide, she said bye to Eli (after exchanging numbers tho) and she ran as she saw Stiles getting out of his jeep to hug her. 

"Heyyyy" Stiles said smiling as he held her tight, "how was the first day?" he asked, helping her put her seatbelt on in the passengers seat.

"it was great!" she started but stopped when she saw him closing the door and walking around the car to get in his seat, " i made a new friend, his name is Eli and we had a few classes together!" she finished as she saw he was paying attention again, "that's great! wait but did you say 'he'?" Stiles teased and she blushed and he laughed at her awkwardness. 

"yes 'he' and he's just a new friend i made. besides everyone knows i'm gonna marry you" Ally said and when Stiles looked at her he saw the cute sparkle in her eyes, the one she always had whenever she talked about something she really loved or liked. 

He smiled at her and said, "oh definitely, just gotta wait until you're legal to get married" as he sent a wink her way and she smiled and giggled. 

"OH OH AND STILES GUESS WHAT" she said excitedly, "WHAT" he said matching her energy. 

"remember when you told me about your old locker? well i went searching for it today and to my luck when i did, it wasn't taken so i claimed YOUR locker!!" she explained to him, "really?" he asked her quietly, "mhm, i made it a mission to get your locker before anyone else did" she said smiling, happy about the fact that she beat everyone else to it. 

He smiled when he saw her smiling, "well thank you for continuing my legacy" he said dramatically and she laughed. 

"there were also these two guys who made a teacher angry and they got detention for two weeks, ON THE FIRST DAY" she said, he laughed before saying "idiots" .

"THATS EXACTLY WHAT ELI SAID AFTER CLASS WAS OVER AND WE WERE LAUGHING SO HARD" she said and started laughing hard again when he did too. 

They got to the house and walked in, they saw Chris, Melissa, Noah and Scott sitting in the living room. 

"ALLY" Scott said when he saw her, she ran to him and he picked her up, "how was your first day?" he asked, "AMAZING" she said as he put her down so she could hug her mom. 

"hi mr stilinski!!" she said and hugged him tight after she hugged her parents, "hey there sweetheart" he responded with a smile. 


"hey dad" Eli said walking into their house. 

"hey son! how was your first day?" Derek replied. 

"it was good, i made a new friend, her names Ally and she's really funny" he said and Derek smiled, "i'm glad you made a new friend! here, i just made dinner" Derek responded, passing a bowl to Eli. 



It's obvious you're meant for me | Eli Hale ♡|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin