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Y/N was back already infront of Ginny and Tom, the basilisk was no where to be found.

"Ginny- was all Y/N said, with a sad expression "Ginny, plea-

Y/N couldn't even finish her sentence, the basilisk came out from the water, as Y/N  glanced at the sorting hat, that suddenly godric's sword appeared. She quickly ran up to the sorting hat and pulled it out.

Y/N ran up to Salazar's statue, and transformed into phoenix flying up to the basilisk face, carrying godric's sword, as she detransformed into her human self, and sliced it's head splitting his face into two.

She gave all her strength and succeeded, but there was something on her right arm, the basilisk's tooth and quickly. The basilisk yelled in pain and fell back, bloody was on Y/N's clothes. She grabbed the giant tooth and held it in her hands. as she slowly came down from the statue.

"You look like you're about to pass out L/N funny, the damage a silly little book can do… especially in the hands of a silly, little girl." Tom says, smirking thinking Y/N was defeated.

Y/N wanted to pass out from the pain, but she still remained strong, and was walking slowly infront of Tom Riddle, which he thought, Y/N was going to attack him, but no, Y/N grabbed Tom Riddle's diary and stabbed basilisk tooth in it, there was something coming out of it, a black goo. Tom Riddle glowed and dissolved from thin air.

Ginny Weasley woke up suddenly. "Y/N..It was me- but I swear, I didn’t mean to! Riddle made me, and-

"Ginny..calm down." said Y/N, she was glad that Ginny was alive."The important thing is your alive both of us are now  come on, let's go." said Y/N, but she was getting dizzy, she sat down, and tried to stay awake.

As for Fawks, she cried her eyes out and a tear fell out, and it healed Y/N's scar, the one where the basilisk tooth was. "Of course, phoenix tears heals." Y/N smiled, she could've just healed herself but she couldn't, she was out of energy.

Y/N along with Harry, Ron, Ginny and  Lockhart flew their way up back to Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom.

How you ask?

Fawks carried Lockhart and Ginny. as for Y/N, she transformed into a Thunderbird, Harry and Ron on her back, they were so frightened at Y/N well, Y/N the Thunderbird.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

"You three realize, of course, that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules?" said Dumbledore.

Y/N and the two boys were in Dumbledore's office, Harry, Ron and Y/N in the center. She held Harry's right hand and Ron's left hand. She was too scared what would happen to them now, the boys might get expelled because of her.

"Yes sir." They replied. "And there is sufficient evidence to have you three can be expelled."

"Yes sir." The trio says, Y/N was more scared now, she wasn't scared because she will be expelled, but she was more scared for Harry and Ron. Lily and Molly will kill them both. Y/N was too ashamed of glancing at the two boys, she bowed her head down and remained silent.

As for the two boys, they both rubbed their thumbs on Y/N palm, reassuring her that they'll be alright.

"Therefore, it is only fitting, that you both receive Special Awards for Services to the School." the three gryffindors smiled at each other.

"Thanks sir!" said Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter. Y/N just smiled at Dumbledore. "And now, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter if you would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban? I believe we- we want our gamekeeper back." Y/N smiled at them as they left.

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