"What if it doesn't work and I hurt you"

"You won't. Now I need you to do it before you hurt yourself" I do as he says and see a large shield appear pushing everything away that's not inside of it before it disappears. Moony pulls me into his arms lifting me with him as he stands before turning to Dumbledore. "You need to start talking what the hell has happened"

"I think we should all sit down to talk about this" Dumbledore says in his calm voice as he fixes the furniture back into place before taking a seat. Moony leads me to the sofa sitting me between him and Pads, his arm still around me as Pad's takes my hand in his.

"Talk then" Pad's says in a slightly annoyed voice his eyes searching mine with concern.

"Well as I'm sure you know the Triwizard Tournament is taking place at Hogwarts"

"Yes but Rory's too young so what does that have to do with it" Moony says.

"Harry's name came out" I whisper.

"You what" Pad's shouts "What are you doing about this Dumbledore, he's too young"

"The rules are there he has to compete it's a magical contract I can't do anything about it I'm afraid" Dumbledore says calmly.

"You need to fix it" Pads shouts again as Dumbledore gets up to leave.

"I'll be leaving Aurora here for the next week. I don't feel like the school is the right place for her at the moment. I will send all her school work along and her trunk as well. If you could bring her back to the school next Sunday" He said before leaving.

"Rory" I look up at Pads "You okay?"

"Of course I am"

"The truth now would be good"

"No I'm not okay, I lost control I could of hurt one of you two or someone else"

"You won't hurt anyone Rory"

"You don't know that Pad's. These powers are dangerous look around this room's destroyed"

"Well you did me a favour on the room to be quite honest. We're only in this godforsaken house because it means we can get to you quickly if we need to or you can get to us like tonight"

"Wait what"

"This is my childhood home"

"Pad's you hate anything to do with your family why would you come here" I look at him.

"I'd do anything for you and Harry even come here"

"Pad's I'm not worth that. You can't be happy here. You told me last year you hated this house"

"Rory. Don't you dare even think like that you're worth every bit of it. Come on let's get you to bed so you can get some sleep and we'll talk about it more tomorrow" I shake my head at him.

"Rory what do you need" Moony asks looking at me with concern.

"I don't need anything" I look down at my hands before continuing "I still can't sleep without nightmares especially if I'm alone. I've been switching between Fred and Georges beds to get any sleep or we've all just fallen asleep in the common room"

"Oh Wolf. Come on I'll get you a dreamless sleep potion. We got a few stocked up for when you come here just in case" Moony says standing.

"Come on I'll show you to your room" Pad's says standing holding his hand out for me. I follow him out of the room and up the stairs to one of the bedrooms that has my initials on a plaque on the door "This room's all yours mines next door and Remus's is there" He says pointing to the bedroom door directly across from mine. He opens my bedroom door before stepping back so I can go in.

 He opens my bedroom door before stepping back so I can go in

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"Pad's wow"

"Do you like it. Me and Remus did it a few days ago. Harry has one as well. We can change anything you don't like" He starts rambling.

"I love it, it's amazing you didn't have to go through this much effort"

"It was our pleasure" Moony speaks from behind us making me jump slightly. I turn to smile at him.

"Thank you"

"Oh wait best bit, look in the wardrobe over there" Pad's says pointing. I walk over to it and open it to reveal a collection of leather jackets hanging up. "Some of them were mine from when I was a teen, bit small for me now but I thought you'd love them"

"I love you Pad's you know that right"

"Well I am amazing. Come on let's get you into bed to get some sleep. Moony's got the potion for you"

"Here you go Wolf. We'll stay with you until you're asleep, then if you wake and need us come and wake us up" Moony hands me the potion as I get comfy in the bed before drinking it. Moony and Pad's each taking a seat either side of me until I'm asleep.

When I wake it's still dark and I'm alone. I notice my trunk at the end of my bed and Phoenix sat on the perch in the corner of my room. Getting out of bed I walk to my trunk and search for the jumper I stole from Charlie. Finding it and pulling it on before walking back over to the bed after grabbing some parchment and a quill. I decide to write to Harry.


Sorry I've disappeared, I may have slightly lost control after your name came out of that stupid cup. Don't worry I know you didn't do it common sense tells anyone that you didn't, Fred and George couldn't even get their names in. I'll be back on Sunday, Dumbledore thought I needed some space to calm down. Personally I think he's scared of what I can do when I lose control but didn't want to say. I know I'm dangerous doesn't take a genius to figure that out and without Moony this year my powers have just been left to build. Tell the idiots (Fred and George) that I'm fine and I'll see them when I get back. I'm here for you Harry and I'm not letting you do this alone.

Again I'm sorry for disappearing, not that I had much choice when it comes to Dumbledore.

Love Rory

I fold the parchment and walk over to Phoenix who happily sticks her leg out for me to attach the letter.

"Take that to Harry" I open the window before she hoot's and takes off. Turning back to my trunk I grab the book I borrowed from the library on illusion charms searching for one that might help. "Ugh, nothing" I sigh placing the book beside me.

In love with a Weasley (Charlie Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now