Chapter 3: Enter the Fray

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Date: December 7, 1943

Location: Pearl Harbor Naval Base

Time: 8:30 am

It was a beautiful Wednesday morning at the Pearl Harbor base. Most of the ships were either docked in the piers of the harbor or anchored around Ford Island. Naval personnel as well as ship girls from both Eagle Union and Royal Navy were enjoying their day throughout the port. Several patrols were getting ready to head out while a Royal Navy carrier finishes docking her ship. Meanwhile two ship girls walk towards the piers to greet the Royal Navy carrier.

"He he, things are getting pretty exciting around here." Cleveland exclaims.

"I'd describe it as getting over crowded. Look around. Both Eagle Union and Royal Navy are loitering at this base and things don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon." The Royal Navy battleship Prince of Wales replies.

"Bet you can't guess who else is coming from my side. Your hint is that it's our greatest warrior with the most battle stars ever received."

"Ah, you must mean the famous Gray Ghost. The main forces of Royal Navy will also be arriving soon. Looks like this base has become the center of all our activities."

As two continue to walk towards the pier a hooded figure walks past them. As the wind blows, the girls hood falls off revealing her electronic horns. The figure pause for a moment looking at the beautiful scene of the port before pulling her hood back over her head. Meanwhile Cleveland spots a pair of ship girls standing next to a section of the pier that holds two large battleships. She immediately recognizes one of them as none other than New Jersey or otherwise known as the Black Dragon. However she doesn't recognize the second figure. The second ship girl wears a button up shirt and tie with the top buttons open revealing part of her good sized breasts. Over the shirt she has on a suit jacket and an open uniform coat. She wears an officers cap and has long black hair that reaches down past her decent sized rear. Lastly she has on black leggings. Sparked by curiosity Cleveland heads over to meet this new girl.

"Hi New Jersey, who's this?"

"Hi Cleveland, this is my older sister Iowa. Even though I was converted into a kansen before her, her hull was built before mine." New Jersey answers.

"Well it's nice to meet you miss Iowa. I'm Prince of Wales, King George the Fifth class battleship. We were just on our way to greet a friend of mine." Prince of Wales explains.

"Good to meet you as well. I'd love to stay and chat however New Jersey and I are about to go out on patrol."

"See ya" Cleveland calls out as the two Eagle Union battleships board their ships and finish preparations before summoning their riggings. Cleveland and Wales then proceed to the pier where the Royal Navy carrier is. They arrive as HMS Illustrious comes down the boarding ramp.

"Illustrious" Wales calls out

"Her highness has emerged from mon high to greet me. To what to do I earn this honor."

"Don't be silly. It's not like that. I'm glad to see you, it's been a long time."

"Indeed it has, good day old friend. Who is here with you?"

"I'm Cleveland from Eagle Union. Glad you made it sounds like a long journey."

Cleveland then looks towards the young girl with purple hair who hides behind Illustrious.

"Hi there"

"Unicorn is a bit shy, sorry, she doesn't mean to be anti social. Please don't take her behavior personally." Illustrious explains.

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