Chapter 4

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Joan's tenement apartment sat directly above Bargain Castle.

It was dark, dusty, and dirty–just to Joan's liking. The colored windowpanes wore mismatched and blacked out the sun. Lights in green crystals swayed from the high ceiling. The whole foul place smelled of sulfur. Joan, filing her nails, was seated in her tall green throne chair with her feet propped up. Ariana and her three friends and their three parents sat around the apartment, waiting for Joan to explain why she had summoned all of them.

The villains has seen better days. Karen, her wild black-and-white hair, wore a ratty nearly bald black-and-white dog-fur coat, which sported a bejeweled stuffed toy Dalmatian next to her neck. She stroked it lovingly as if it was alive.

Manuel, with his trademark mustache and goatee, was rocking a potbelly, a comb-over, and puffy Sansabelt pants. Selena, a former beauty, pulled at her cosmetically altered face and stared into a mirror. Ariana, Billie, Shawn and Michael feared their parents nonetheless.

"You will go," Joan commanded the teens. "You will find the Fairy Godmother and you will bring me back her wand." She blew on her nails. "Easy peasy."

"What's in it for us?" asked Ariana.

"Matching thrones," said Joan. "Hers and hers crowns."

Michael gestured to his friends. "Um, I—I think she meant us."

Ignoring him, Joan tossed her nail file over her shoulder, and beckoned Ariana to her. "It's all you and me, baby." She said, leaning in close to Ariana. "Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"

"Well, yeah! I mean who doesn't?" said Ariana.

"Well, then get me that wand! And you and I can see all so much more!" said Joan. "And with that wand and scepter"—she held up her arms— "I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"

Selena lowered his mirror. "Our will," she said.

Manuel pointed at Selena and nodded.

"Our will, our will," Joan said, trying to save face. She looked at Ariana. "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy." she said firmly.

"What?" said Ariana, distressed. "Mom!"

Joan stared into her daughter's eyes. Ariana stared right back at her. The stare intensified. It was a test of power and focus. Ariana and her mom did this every so often. Joan always won. Ariana tore away from the gaze. "Fine, whatever." Ariana said.

"I win." said Joan.

"Joan, relax," said Selena. "You're going to pop a vein and that is a look no one can rock."

Manuel cackled.

"Did her face just move?" Joan asked Manuel, pointing to Selena.

Manuel used his thumb and forefinger to indicate. "a little bit."

"Someone alert the media!" said Joan.

"Hilarious," said Selena sarcastically. "Billie! My little Evil-lette in training."

Billie ran over and sat obediently across the table from her mother.

"You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing." said Selena.

"And lots and lots of mirrors," said Billie and her mom in unison.

Billie beamed and clapped her hands.

"No laughing," her mother told her. "Wrinkles."

Billie's smile vanished and she pouted.

Joan looked at them and sighed.

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