Prologue meeting the blacksmith

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Tokyo Jujutsu technical high school

We see the new first year Yuta okostu is seen training with her fellow first years. Right now he is running laps while panda is timing him and his two other classmates. When their teacher comes with a gift on his shoulder "Hey Yuta I got you a present." He said causing the students to stop and look at thei white haired teacher "Oh Gojo sensei what up." Yuta questions his teacher "Yea your way to excited for this." Maki said a little annoyed at the blindfolded man "Well I'm excited because I got the finished product of the request I made to a friend to make Yuta a katana in order to help him break rikias curse." "Woh reall can I see it?!" "Of course it's yours after all Yuta." He handed the box to Yuta and he opened it and he and his friends saw a beautiful sheathed katana. When he took it out everyone was shocked even gojo while not as much as his students. " Wow he's gotten even better. I swear that guy is a crazy skilled in smithing." Gojo said while it was only an idle comment the kids heard this and all got curious. " what are you talking about Gojo sensei." Yuta questioned and his friends especially Maki was confused. She also spoke up "yea it's just a katana I'll admit it's practically perfect in all ways but you have never really have shown interest in weapons as long as I've been here and who is the "he" you mentioned" "Oh that's right only the faculty really know about him let alone met him, but a few years ago I brought a boy here who couldn't figure out what his technique was so when he came here the principal and a few other took to helping him figure it out and after a year we learned he could forge cursed tools with or without curses. For example the katana you have he made as a request from me and I told him not to imbue it with a curse so you can do that yourself." He stated causing the group to look at him in surprise. " wait you said he was a boy when you brought him so how old is this guy exactly.?" Panda questioned "Salman" iniumaki agreed with a nod of his head. "Oh he's only 12 years old but super talented." "Huh??" That all looked at their teacher with a questioning look. "So your telling me a 12 year old made Yutas katana and it's that good, this is more than refined it's practically perfect." Exclaimed maki. " Is it possible to meet this guy?" She questioned "well physically you can however I would not recommend it he's very shy and not very good with new people. Heck it took him almost a full year for him to be able to hold a conversation with all of us helping him. But I think it would be good for him to meet people closer to his age and who know he might just be able to talk to you all, so let's go say hi." He exclaimed in a happy tone and they all nodded. While walking through the school panda asks "so what his name you never even told us and it feels rude to just call him this guy.?" "Well I want him to introduce himself so in exchange I'll give you a brief summary of his past so you can better understand him." "You see when he was a baby he was left on the doorstep of one of the zenin clan and dew to his potent cursed energy they took him in." This shocked the students especially maki because the story already sounded familiar but she shook it off as she was told the the one she was thinking about was dead. Gojo continued his story "after a few years of raising him and teaching him how to use cursed energy and simply put he was a fast learner. But even after all the time they spent they couldn't figure out his technique or how to activate it." Now maki was convinced she knew who it was a spoke up. " is his name senju." She said simple but her voice was cracked a little and her classmates were shocked but before Gojo replied he simply said "we're here." They we're at an old Japanese styled house in the back of the school. When he knocked Gojo said "Hey buddy it's me again I got some people who want to meet you." They didn't hear anything and Gojo simply opened the door and walked in with the rest following him till they got to another door in the back and heard the clanking sound of metal. Gojo opens the door and the students look in shock as they see a small boy with red hair styled in a ponytail and red eyes to match he wore a black kimono and had a hammer in his hands hitting a heated piece of metal. Said boy stoped and put the metal down and look to the group and immediately turned and ran to the dark corner and they heard a small and scared voice say "Mister Gojo why did you bring new people here.?" His voice was small and clearly afraid but Gojo simply look at the corner and spoke "Look I know you don't like meeting new people but you need to socialize with more than just adults people more closer in age to you, here let me introduce them to you the one with white hair is toge iniumaki, the second is panda the third is Yuta okostu the one you made that Karan for and I think you've met the last one but her name is Maki zenin." He said in a soft voice and each student greeted him. Before Gojo could continue maki walked towards the boy and crouched down and hugged they boy and started crying a little. After a few quiet moments she pulled back and said "they told me you died senju." "The boy simply looked at her and said "sorry for not telling you Gojo told me about all of you and when I heard you were one I wanted to say hi but I was afraid." He hugged maki again and they both stayed like that with the other only looking with a smile.

Time skip a few minutes

Thanks to maki and Gojo senju Is more comfortable with them so they talked a bit and learned things about senju and In turn he learned about the students. Then Yuta spoke up "Hey senju is it true you made this katana just for me?" He said in a kind voice. "Y-yea you see Gojo told me about your situation and asked me to make a katana to help you so I felt I should do everything I could to make it my best I hope you like it." He finished with a kind smile when he started coughing. This didn't concern the students but Gojo had a different reaction. "Senju" yea was the boys reply very nervou as to why he sounded so serious. "Your sick again aren't you." He asked but already knew the answer. This caused the students to look at the boy in concern. Maki felt his head and she immediately pulled her hand back it felt like she burnt her hand. "Ow geez senju you need to rest you practically on fire. Before she could continue said boy fell into her arms asleep. "He ok just he tried to repay the debt of us helping him by making as many tools he can however he gets sick easily and his heart has been giving him problems." This worried the group but Gojo continued "we got him a treatment for his heart and If he sticks to it it will go away in a couple of years probably when his is 15 or 16 years old but with him not taking care of his health it's pushing his heart to its limit, so I want to ask you 4 to look after him when you can even if it's only to check up on him he need friends to keep him from working himself to death." The students all agreed and took him to his bed.

End of prologue

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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