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Today was the day that Selene had taken Nyla out. The two stood in line at the entry booth of the Amusement Park, waiting to get their wristbands. The park was pretty big, so she figured they'd spend the rest of the day here and grab some food on the way home. To say they both needed this day out would be an understatement, especially after dealing with their parents.

Nyla explained everything to her parents, and they calmed down, only saying that they wanted to meet Selene. As for Selene's parents, they still weren't speaking to her.

"I can't wait to eat." Nyla moans out loud. She hadn't eaten all day just so that when she got here, she could go crazy. Selene had slipped up and told her where they were going while the two were on FaceTime, so they could go to sleep.

Selene laughs as Nyla licks her lips. "Of course you can't."

The two step up to the booth and purchase the two wristbands, Selene shaking her head at the price. All that for two pieces of paper.

Once Selene paid for them, they stepped to the side and helped one another put them on.

"What you want to do first?" Selene asked, grabbing her hand as they walked.

"Eat." Nyla answers as she begins pulling Selene towards all the food stands and trucks. Nyla turns around, looking at Selene crazy when she plants her feet on the ground, not allowing her to pull her.

"Why you stop?"

"You not gonna go crazy when we got over there? I don't need you throwing up and crying about your stomach hurting when we get on rides."

Nyla rolls her eyes but nods.

"I'll agree for now, but after these rides, I don't want to hear anything."

"That's ok, you can eat as much as you want after. What are you about to eat now tho?" Selene asks once they finally make it over to the food stands.

"I want a funnel cake and a corn dog with ketchup."

Selene nods, ordering Nyla's food then gets herself a funnel cake as well.

After waiting a few minutes, they get their food and take a seat at one of the empty table.

"I love food so much, I wanna be food." Nyla says, taking a bite out of her corn dog, not caring about how hot it was.

Selene chuckles, shaking her head.

"Your gonna burn your taste buds, phat." Selene comments, watching steam pour out of Nyla's mouth as she chewed fast.

Nyla shrugs too into her food to see that Selene had taken her phone out to snap pictures of her.

Nyla shrugs too into her food to see that Selene had taken her phone out to snap pictures of her

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"Hold my hands." Nyla said as the ride operator made her way around to check the safety belts. The two were sitting at the front of the ride. Not by Nyla's choice. She'd rather sit in the middle, but Selene insisted they sit in front so they'd get the full experience.

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